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November 26th 1977

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November 26th 1977

"Now, can anyone tell me what this potion is?" Professor Slughorn asked his class, a cauldron filled with pink liquor placed in front of him. A girl with sand, blonde hair tied up into a ponytail stood near the front raised her hand. She wasn't very tall for her age, she held her books close to her chest and she wore old Gryffindor robes. "Yes, Miss Edward?" Slughorn asked the young girl.

"It's Amortentia, sir. It's the most powerful love potions ever made." The Gryffindor explained. Slughorn nodded.

"Yes, very good Miss Edward. 5 points to Gryffindor." Slughorn said. "Now can anyone tell me what it does?" Both Angelica and Lily Evans raised their hands. "Miss Evans?" Lily smirked.

"Amortentia doesn't create actual love; it's impossible to manufacture or imitate love. The person under the effect of the potion will only hold an obsession for the person who administered it." Lily explained. "It has a different aroma for everyone who smells it, reminding each person of the things that they find most attractive, even if the person doesn't acknowledge or is unaware of their fondness for the object of their affection themselves." She added. Angelica rolled her eyes.

"I knew that." She whispered to Alice.

"Oh she, you know she only does it for the attention." Alice reminded her friend.

"Yes, very true Miss Evans. 10 points to Gryffindor. Would anyone like to share what they smell?" He asked. "Mr Potter? What about you?" Slughorn asked. James quickly lifted his head and looked at the Professor. His face grew pale as he pointed to himself.

"Me?" He questioned, looking side to side at his friends Sirius and Remus.

"Yes you Mr Potter." Slughorn said, "What do you smell boy." Angelica heard the quiet laughs that came from the two boys, either side of James.

"Um, well, I uh guess I smell... cinnamon, old books and uh... uh, freshly lit fire." James told him, as he felt the whole class's eyes on him.

"Very interesting Mr Potter. Very interesting indeed. Now I would like each and everyone to go to your tables and write how very dangerous this potion is and how to reverse it. Make it at least three rolls of parchment." Slughorn said, making the class groan. Angelica said a quick goodbye before heading over to her table with Emmeline, Remus and James. The two boys whispered between themselves for a while before James sighed and hit Remus over the back of the head.

"What did you smell Em?" Angelica asked the girl sitting next to her.

"Oh, I wasn't as close as everyone else. I didn't get a strong enough smell to tell." Emmeline lied.

"That's a lie Emme, you were standing next to Peter, he was really close to it." Remus said, joining in the conversation.

"Come on just tell us." Angelica said, shaking her lightly.

"Fine." She sighed, "Chocolate, woolen sweaters and old parchment." She explained. "Now both of you have to tell us what you smelt. It's only fair." Remus and Angelica looked at each other.

"You first." Angelica said quickly, Remus rolled his eyes.

"Chicken." He mumbled.

"I heard that!"

"Anyway! I smelt butterbeer, uhh rain and an open field." Remus told them all. "Now it's your turn, Angie." Angelica nodded, taking a deep breath.

"I smelt Honeydukes, something burning... like fireworks and uh..." Angelica stopped as she felt like she could smell all the things again. She started playing with the necklace that sat around her neck, the one James gave you for her birthday and she tried to say what she wanted to say. "Uh, broomsticks wax." She finished quietly.

"Oh I wonder who that would be." Remus said in a sarcastic tone, a smirk dancing on his lips. Angelica shot him a glare and watched as he slowly raised his hands in surrender.

"Who's going to Slughorn's dinner party this weekend?" James question, trying to change the subject.

"I'm not. I'm not even in the club." Emmeline explained.

"I'm going." Angelica said.

"Yeah, me too. Slughorn asked me before class." Remus added. James sighed in relief.

"Oh thank Merlin, I thought I was going to be the only one who had to suffer the awkward conversation." James said.

"Or the snogging you said Malfoy and Narcissa were doing last year." Remus reminded him. James' face dropped.

"Yeah, even that. Thank you for reminding me Moony." James said, glaring at the werewolf. The bell soon rang, ending the class. Students stood from their tables and gathered their things. Emmeline said a very quick goodbye before being one of the first to leave the class.

"I'll see you guys later." Angelica said waving goodbye.

"Bye Angie." They replied as she started making her way over to Alice.

"You smelt James didn't you?" Was the first thing Alice had asked the redhead when she walked up to her. Angelica blushed.

"I don't know what you're talking about." She mumbled.

"Oh for the love of Merlin, Angie. I heard you telling them what you smelt." Alice told her. "One of them was broomstick wax. Who else are you friends with that plays Quidditch?" She asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Uhh, Sirius?"

"Are you forgetting the fact that Sirius forgot who you were?"

"Right..." Angelica muttered. "Can we drop this conversation and go to lunch? I'm hungry." The redhead asked.

"Sure, but I'm making you sit at the Gryffindor table. That Lockheart kid was really creepy."

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