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December 8th 1977

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December 8th 1977

"Hey Prongs, do you know why Wormy is acting so strange?" Angelica heard Sirius whisper to James in History of Magic from behind her.

"No." James told him simply, "He has been acting strange lately hasn't he?" He questioned. Angelica let out a sigh of relief. 

'Who knew James was such a good liar.' Angelica thought to herself. 

"Did you hear Lily has a boyfriend?" Alice asked her redhead best friend as she walked her to her next class, which was across the school from hers. Angelica nodded in response.

"Oh yeah. I found out at Slughorn's dinner party. Steven Bond, from Ravenclaw." Angelica said. 

"Right, I forgot she was in that club." Alice said to herself, "Well, now I guess you're the only friend of mine that's single." Angelica gave her a fake smile.

"If only you knew." She muttered to herself.

"What was that?"

"Nothing! I just asked, when did Marlene and Dorcas get together?" Angelica said, a pit too quickly. Alice raised an eyebrow but let it slide.

"Okay then…" 

"Pst, Pads!" Remus whispered, throwing a piece of paper at the back of Sirius' head. The boy looked over his shoulder at the werewolf.

"What the bloody hell was that for?" Sirius whispered back, trying not to get in trouble for the fourth time that Transfiguration class. 

"You know how Pete's acting strange?" Remus questioned. Sirius nodded. "Have you noticed that both Angelica and Prongs have been acting strange too?" Sirius stopped and thought about it for a second. 

"Now that you mention it, they have been acting weird for the past three days or so." Sirius replied.

"I think they're hiding something from us." Remus said. Sirius nodded in agreement. 

"Me too-"

"Mr Black, Mr Lupin, do you two have something to share with the rest of the class?" Professor Mcgonagall asked the two. They shook their heads.

"No Professor." 

"Then I suggest you keep your mouths shut, unless you want to get into more trouble Mr Black."
December 9th 1977

It was late at night when James had finished doing his rounds. Just like every other night he led Angelica back to the Ravenclaw tower before heading to the Gryffindor tower. When James had finally made it back to the common room he quickly made his why up stairs hoping not to wake anyone else. He gently opened his dorm room door, not seeing that two of his best friends stood that the ends of their beds with their arms crossed or Peter who sat in his bed shaking like always or even noticing Frank's loud snoring. 

"We know you're hiding something, Potter." Sirius' voice broke the silence. James felt as if his body had jumped out of his skin. His head moved to look over at the punk rock loving Pure-blood before looking over at Peter who still sat shaking on his bed. 

"I don't know what you're talking about." James lied.

"Oh cut the crap Prongs." Remus said, "We know you're hiding something. We know Peter knows and we know you made him promise not to tell anyone." 

"Nope. Still don't know what you're talking about." James replied. "Now I'll kindly ask you to leave poor Wormtail alone, we don't need a replay of what happened in 4th year." James said, flashbacks of 4th year when Peter drove himself to faint because the three of them were trying to find out who Frank fancied. "If you two are just going to be like… whatever you're doing right now, all night. I'll just sleep on the couch." James said, opening the dorm room door again. "Wormtail you are welcome to join if they keep pressuring information, that doesn't exist, out of you." James said before closing the door behind him. Remus sighed, running a hand through his hair.

"We'll find out what you're hiding Prongs. Easy way or the hard way." Sirius said.

Peter still ended up sleeping in the common with James.

[A/n - two chapters in one night (for me)!! Another short on tho.]

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