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September 28th 1977

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September 28th 1977

Angelica woke up early the next morning. She got dressed and packed her bags, not knowing how long she would be gone for. Once she was ready, she quietly left her dorm room trying not to wake up the rest of her dorm mates. She made her way into the warm common room before taking a deep breath.

"Everythings going to be okay." She told herself, "I just have to believe." She added, remembering what James had said the day before. Taking one last look inside her bag, making sure she had enough stuff, she left the Ravenclaw common room and out the door. To her surprise, James Potter stood outside giving her a sad smile.

"You ready to go?" He asked, she nodded. James held out his arm and she wrapped her arm around his. The two started making their way to the Great Hall, where Mcgonagall had told them to meet, so they could have breakfast before they went. They walk through the tall, oak doors and into the warm hall. Not a lot of people were there and if people were in there, they all looked to be studying. "Come sit at the Gryffindor table." James said, "There's no one there." Angelica nodded as James led her to the table, their arms still linked.

"Thank you for coming with me James," Angelica thanked, "But are you sure you want to leave your friends? I'm sure Alice can-" Angelica was cut off by James.

"Angie, my friends are going to be fine. Alice wanted me to go with you and more importantly, I want to go." James told her. Angelica nodded and the two started eating.

"Good morning Miss Rogers, Mr Potter." Mcgonagall said, walking over to the table.

"Good morning Professor." They both replied.

"We'll be leaving in 10 minuets." the two nodded before going back to eating. Time flew by quietly, well at least for Angelica it did. Her mind was flooding with thought about her father. James took notice and gently took hold of her hand under the table, in hope to calm her down. When everyone was finally ready they went down to the train station.

"Are we taking the train?" James asked, confused. Mcgonagall shook her head.

"No Mr Potter," she said, "this is the only place where people can disapparate close to school grounds." She explains. Professor Mcgonagall placed her hand, James and Angelica placing their hands on top. "Now, deep breaths everyone. I don't need anyone throwing up." And in the blink of an eye, everything started to spin. Angelica closed her eyes out of fear and didn't dare open them until she felt her feet touch the ground again. She slowly opened her eyes and saw she was standing outside of a big, white building.

"Deep breaths Angie." She heard James whisper to her. She took a deep breath and nodded.

"You two go inside, I'll be right over here." Mcgonagall said, pointing to where she was going to be. They both nodded. "Take you time, Miss Rogers." James and Angelica started to make their way inside. She took James' hand out of comfort, James heating up as she did so.

"I'm looking for Aaron Rogers." Angelica asked a lady at the front desk. The lady nodded looking down at her clipboard.

"He's in room 42 on the 2nd floor." She told her, "I think the rest of your family's in there too." Angelica and James thanked the lady, making their way to the stairs. They had walked up the stairs in no time and were finally outside door number 42. Angelica kept looking at the door, fear taking over her body. James could see it in her eyes. He took her hand once again, turning her making her look at him in the eyes.

"Deep breaths, alright? We go in there together, whatever happens I'm not leaving your side." James told her.

"Thank you." Angelica whispered, she looked at the door before back at James. He gave her a small nod and with her free hand, she opened the door. The door swung open, leaving a creaking noise. Angelica saw her father laying down on a hospital bed, her mother sitting on the bed next to him, holding his hand and her brother and new fiance sitting next to him.

"Ange." Alexander, Angelica's brother got up from his chair and pulled his sister into a tight hug. She felt James' hand slip from hers, allowing her to hug her older brother. She also felt tears slowly hit her shoulders as she knew her brother was crying, something she had rarely seen. Once Alex had finally let go of his sister, she went and said 'hello' to her soon to be sister in-law, her mother and then lastly her father. Alexander however, stayed standing next to James.

"You must be James," Alex said, James nodded. "I'm Alexander. Thanks for looking after my sister." He said.

"Of course, she means a lot to me." James replied. The two of them joined the rest of the Rogers, who circled around the bed. James looked at the older man laying in the bed in front of him. To James, and to anyone else, he didn't look healthy but not a normal Muggle unhealthy.

"He's been cursed." James mumbled to himself hoping no one else heard.

"He's been what?" Angelica's mother, Elizabeth, asked. Everyone looked at the boy wearing glasses with a worried look. James looked at Charlotte, Alex's fiance, then over to Angelica. She nodded as of she was telling him, she knew she was a witch.

"He's been cursed." James repeated louder this time. The family's faces dropped in shock.

"How can you tell?" Alex asked.

"I've sadly seen it before. I found out my Grandparents got cursed a couple of years ago, they died last year. The reason why the doctors don't know what's wrong with him is because Muggles can't see most wizarding staff, but if Angie looked in his eyes she'd see black slowly taking over... and hands." James told them.

"Well can we save him?" Elizabeth asked, her eyes filled with hope. James looked down sadly, shaking his head.

"No, sadly we can't." James told them.

"Why would some curse an innocent person?" Charlotte asked.

"There's a very powerful, dark wizard, who's only growing strong as we speak, he doesn't like Muggle or muggle born witches and wizards such as Angelica. He's trying to take over the world, one non-magic person at a time and he sadly had to pick Aaron." James explained.

"That's horrible." Aaron said weakly.

"It is. Students like your daughter are in danger this year more than ever. But they're safe at Hogwarts." James added on.

"Is it alright if I had a word to the young lad in private?" Aaron asked his family. They all nodded, standing up from their chairs and making their ways to wait outside. James gave Angelica a soft smile to tell her that it'll be alright. "What's your name boy?" Aaron asked.

"James Potter, sir."

"And how do you know my daughter?"

"I've known her since our first year at Hogwarts but only started spending more time with her since we're both Head boy and girl." James told him, he nodded.

"I can see that you care a lot about my baby girl," Aaron started, "and I want to tell you, look after her for me. When I'm gone. I can tell that she deeply cares for you too and I can tell that you also make her very happy, that's all I want when I'm gone. For her to be happy. Can you do that for me son?" Aaron asked. James nodded.

"Of course I can sir. Your daughter means a lot to me, she just doesn't know how much just yet." James replied.

"Son, if you're trying to tell me that you love her... I'm okay with it. I could tell the moment you walk through that door, I could tell that you were a good man. If you feel scared by telling her, just man up and do it because I know that she likes you too." James smiled.

"Thank you sir. I'll remember that." James said, "I do love your daughter and I'll do everything I can to make her happy."

"Thank you son." Aaron said, smiling softly, "now, could you do me a favor and tell my family they're allowed in again? If I'm going to die I want to be around my family." James smiled.

"Of course sir."

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