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January 9th 1978

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January 9th 1978

Angelica and Remus sat next to each other in transfiguration that day. It was cold and wet outside. The heavy rain hit the walls of the castle while loud roars of wind blew through the air. Remus, who sat on her left, looked like he was about to pass out. His head rested in his hand, fighting to stay awake. The circles under his eyes had become darker.

"You okay Remus?" She whispered. He nodded, tiredly.

"Yeah, just not feeling well." He whispered back. "I'll be fine." He told her. That's when it hit her, the fall moon was this week. She knew that he found it hard to sleep at night on the days leading up to the horrible night. She couldn't count how many times Remus would sneak into the Ravenclaw common room, in their first year alone. The redhead frowned.

"Are you sure?" She asked. Remus looked over at her before giving her a tired smile.

"I'll be fine Angie." The two of them continued to listen to Professor Mcgonagall as she spoke to the class. Don't get them wrong they loved Minnie with their whole heart, she was their favourite teacher, but they did not enjoy having a double period with her first thing on a Monday.

The bell rang, letting everyone know that the first period was over. People began to move around the classroom, to wake themselves up from their boredom. They had a five minute break before their second period started. Angelica and Remus stayed seated, not being bothered to move. The Head girl noticed out of the corner of her eye, Professor Mcgonagall making her way over to their table.

"Mr Lupin, are you alright there dear?" She asked, worriedly. Remus's eyes shot open quickly. He must have fallen asleep when she wasn't looking. He didn't say a word, he just nodded his head. Mcgonagall looked over at the redhead girl sitting next to him, hoping for answers.

"That time of the month." She mouthed so no one could hear. Mcgonagall nodded, she was one of the few teachers that knew about Remus.

"Miss Rogers, would you like to take Mr Lupin here to the Hospital wing? Let him rest there, I don't need him falling asleep in my class." She said. Angelica nodded.

"Of course Professor." She said as she began to pack up her and Remus' things.

"Oh, and Miss Rogers," Mcgonagall spoke again, "You're welcome to stay with him if you'd like. You both are ahead of everyone anyway." She told her. Angelica smiled.

"Thank you, Professor." She stood from her chair, gently placing a hand on Remus' shoulder. She watched as his eye slowly opened, looking up at her. She nodded her head to the classroom door, not saying a word. He stood up from his chair and followed her out of the classroom.

The two made their way over to the Hospital Wing. Angelica carried Remus' bag for him, even though he said he was fine carrying it himself. The halls quickly emptied as everyone made their way to their next class.

"I told you it was a bad idea mate." They heard Sirius' voice when they opened the door to the Hospital wing. Remus looked at Angelica as he was about to turn around and walk away when she grabbed him by the arm, making him stop.

"It'll be okay." She whispered to him. She led him over to one of the many empty beds. She saw James resting on one of the beds, his glasses were broken and he looked to have glass stuck in her checks. His nose was bleeding and so were his knuckles. Angelica's face dropped at the sight of him.

"I'm not just going to sit there while that fucking wanker called my girlfriend that disgusting word," James said, his tone of voice was pissed off.

"Who said what now?" Remus spoke up. James and Sirius looked over at the two of them. Angelica left Remus' bedside, quickly making her way over to James. She whipped the blood from under his nose before placing a loving kiss on his lips.

"Are you alright?" She asked him. "What am I saying, of course you're not! Does Madam Pomfrey know you're here?" James nodded, taking her hand in his, hoping it would calm her down.

"My question is still left unanswered." Remus reminded them.

"Chad Smith," Sirius said. Remus rolled his eyes, he never liked Chad, even when she was dating him.

"What did he call her?" He asked.

"A mudblood," Sirius said, his voice just above a whisper. "Soon as the words left his mouth James punched him-"

"AS HE SHOULD!" Remus yelled. "That git has no right to say that. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go find that asswhole and finish what James started." Remus said, starting to get off his bed.

"Oh no, you are not. Remus John Lupin, you put your ass back on that bed. You need to rest." She said. The werewolf stopped moving and sat back down on the bed. "Where's Chad now?" She asked.

"Speaking with Dumbledore," James told her, rubbing his thumb over her knuckles. "He has no right calling you that."

"We don't need to worry about him right now." she told them, "right now we just need to get the glass out of your face." 

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