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September 13 1977

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September 13 1977

It was now late at night and Angelica and James were still hidden away in the kitchen. The two joked with each other and shared stories about their childhood. Angelica eyes grew tired as she listened to James tell a story form next to her. She felt her head fall to the side, rested on James' shoulder.

"You tried Love?" James asked, looking down at her, giving her a small smile. She smiled back, nodding. James looked down at the watch that he wore on his wrist. "It's late, we should get some sleep." James told her.

"Hmmm, but it's fun hanging out with you." Angelica said. James laughed, softly.

"That's true buuut I have a Quidditch match tomorrow." James said, "And since I'm Quidditch Caption, I need to be there for my team." Angelica sighed.

"You have a point, but i'm too comfortable." Angelica said, James 'humming' in response. The two just sat there in silence, Angelica's head still resting on James' shoulder and his resting on top of her's. They heard no noise, only the sound of each other breathing. James looked down at his watch again, the time reading '1:15' in the morning.

"We really should get back to our common rooms." Said James sadly, the very tired Angelica finally agreed with him.

"Can you carry me? I don't want to walk." Angelica asked him. He nodded.

"Piggyback ride?" Angelica nodded. The two finally stood up, James turned around to let the redhead jump on his back. Angelica wrapped her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist. "Ready?" James asked, holding on to her legs so she wouldn't fall.

"Yeah but if a teacher catches us, I'm blaming you." Angelica said as James started walking. James made his way to the Ravenclaw tower, Angelica sitting safely on his back, trying his best not to run into any teachers on the way. After a while of walking in silence James finally spoke.

"Are you coming to the game tomorrow? Gryffindor vs Slytherin. It's a big game, the first one of the year." James asked. Angelica smiled.

"Do you want me to watch you?" She giggled, James' cheeks blush a soft pink colour at the sound of her voice.

"Well- I- uh... only if you want to." James stuttered.

"Of course I'll come James but I have to warn you, I know nothing about Quidditch." She told him. James smiled.

"Don't worry about that, it's easy to understand when you watch a couple of games." James said, Angelica nodded even though James' couldn't see it. "Well, this is your stop." said James as he stopped outside of the Ravenclaw tower. Angelica carefully hopped off of James' back. She looked up at James and gave him a sad smile.

"Thanks for cheering me up James, it means a lot." She said, looking into his hazel eyes. James returned the sad smile, rubbing the back of his neck nervously.

"Don't worry about it Angie," He said. Angelica felt her heart melt when James called her by her nickname. She felt her face heat up and hands start to sweat. "The world just needed to see your beautiful smile." James added. Just with those words Angelica felt her heart start to rise.

'Merlin's beard Potter, look what you've done to me.' She thought.

"So, uh, I'll see you tomorrow at the game?" James asked, pulling her out of her thoughts. Angelica smiled and nodded.

"I'll be there." She told him, making James smile.

"Okay, great, ummm, I'll see you tomorrow Angie." James said. Without thinking Angelica stood on her tippy toes, placing a quick kiss on James' check. James' face flashed a dark red as Angelica pulled away. His jaw dropped a little and his eyes widened.

"Thanks again James. I'll see you tomorrow." Angelica waved goodbye before walking up to the door. James watched as she answered the riddle the door gave her and watched as she walked inside before slowly backing away, holding the cheek that she kissed in his hand. When James finally made it back to the Gryffindor common room, at 2 in the morning, he went straight to his dorm to sleep. He slowly tried to open his door, trying not to wake up his friends as he walked inside.

"Where have you been?" Remus' voice was heard over the snores from Sirius and Peter, who were both deep asleep.

"Ummmm Library?" James said, Remus shook his head.

"Library closed at this time of night."

"I was in detention?"

"You surprisingly haven't gotten detention this week."

"That's a lie, if the teachers find out what I did to Chad Smiths they will not be happy." James said, Remus' face turned into a confused look.

"What did you do to Chad Smiths?" He asked

"Punched him in the nuts because he was being a git to Angelica and being all 'old creepy abusive ex boyfriend'." James said, "So I was hiding in the kitchens with Angelica trying to make her feel better and we lost track of time."

"You are so easy to get the truth out of." Remus said, "I also knew that you were with her." He added, holding up the map. James' eyes widened.

"You were spying on me."

"Yep and I'll do it again." Remus said.

"Whatever, mate, I'm going to bed." James said.

"You should just tell her that you love her." Remus called out as James' walked into the bathroom.

"I'm too tired to listen to you."

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