39.Seeing the Heroes New Strength

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Sorry for missing a week, didn't get many chances to really sit down and write

The work studies were over and school had started back up once again with only 3 months left in Izuku's first year of Highschool. "I hope you are all enjoying the new year," Iida greeted. "For today's class we will be demonstrating the progress we have all been able to make. Now then, let us suit up and head to Ground Alpha."

"Shut up and get going," Aizawa shouted as he slammed the door open.

Everyone grabbed their costumes and left to get dressed, talking as they did so. "So, have you made any progress with your fighting style," Ojiro asked.

Izuku smiled brightly as he turned to him. "Yeah, I did, though I know there is certainly more that I can do."

"Yeah, I can already tell that it's going to be amazing man," Kirishima told him.

Izuku shyly rubbed the back of his head. "O-oh, really, well I don't really think it's not that special right now, though I also hope I can really make something of it in the future."

As those words left his mouth, he could hear the crackle of small explosions coming from Bakugou's hands as he growled. "Disgusting, I knew there was something really annoying about you. You're acting like the damn little wimp you used to be! Stop acting like that or it's going to look bad on me since I said you were going to be the only one worthy of being the number two once I'm at the top!"

Izuku just continued to smile as he ran out of the room waving at Bakugou, making the angry blonde shout at him. Once they were all gathered up, they would fight robots, doing so in groups if they went to the same hero. There was Mina, Aoyama, and Hagakure who interned with the No.9 hero Yoroi Musha. Todoroki and Bakugou interning with Endeavor. Ojiro and Sato interned with the No.13 hero Lion. Jiro and Shouji with Gang Orca. Kaminari, Sero, and Mineta with Mt.Lady and her hero team. Iida with Manual. Koda with No.8 hero Wash. Uraraka and Tsu with Ryukyu. Tokoyami with Hawks. Kirishima with Fatgunm. Yaoyorozu with Mystic. And the last to go up was Izuku who interned with Mirko.

Izuku walked forward and as he did, a group of robots came charging towards him. Even now as they were closing in, Izuku still had his bright smile. That is, until one of the 1 pointers swung an arm at him, and when it did, he jumped up and the smile was gone, replaced by a serious look. It's fist slammed into the spot where he had just been standing and Izuku landed on top of it's arm before jumping up, wrapping his legs around it's head, and twisted while bringing the robot down, ripping the head off before kicking it like a ball at the next one, throwing off its aim and causing it to miss as it swung a fist at him.

Instead of going in for another attack right away, Izuku jumped up again and began jumping from one bot to another until he was in the middle of them all. "I'm glad I went with Mirko, I was able to make great progress as not only was I able to learn from her and see her style in person, but I was also able to make great progress myself. And now I have yet another foundation for my Yūsha style, one that focuses on fighting with my legs like how Mirko fights." As he jumped again, he did so with a horizontal spin and kicked out at the robots around him, his gear adding enough power behind his blows to break them. "Solar Storm!" As he landed on the ground, he did so bent over slightly and leaning forward, but his class could still see the large grin on his face. "Who's next?"

"That damn nerd, he was just acting like that to throw me off," Bakugou muttered. "To think, that in such a short amount of time he would be able to make another large leap in improvement. He really is a monster. But I wouldn't have it any other way. It wouldn't be fun becoming number one if there wasn't anyone worthwhile to compete against."

Everyone watched in amazement as Izuku began to single handedly destroy all of the robots sent at him using only his legs, some of them even feeling like they were watching some sort of artistic dance.

"Wow Deku, that was so cool," Uraraka complimented when it was over.

"O-oh, uh nah, it's nothing really. I know there's still so much more that I need to learn, that I need to do in order to become a better hero."

Uraraka smiled at him and raised a hand. "Same. I guess we both have more to learn."

Izuku smiled back and bumped fists with her. "Yeah."

Later, after the classes ended, Izuku left with All Might and went to the same room where the two of them and Mirio would usually go to in order to discuss things regarding OFA. The reason for this was because All Might had finally managed to get information on the former wielders of OFA.

"So I heard you've managed to get a handle on Blackwhip, good job," Izuku congratulated.

"Yeah, though I've really only managed to get in under control and all that, I know I've yet to see its true potential for combat and rescue. And while I haven't seen nor heard anything, I'm guessing you've once again made huge progress, so congrats on that."

"That he has, and while it may not be very professional of me as a teacher who should support all his students, I must say that the progress made and work put in are far beyond his peers. Of course, that only motivates them to try even harder, so thanks to you Young Midoriya, all your classmates are also making great progress. Now about what we came here for, while I have been unable to gather everything, I do now have information on the previous users of OFA." As he said this, All Might brought out a journal. "Unfortunately, I was unable to find any information on the second and third users. Though its not too surprising given the era they lived in and the nature of OFA."

"Right, it wouldn't be close to the level it's at right now," Izuku muttered. "And so the users wouldn't have stood out because of it."

"Right. Now the fifth user was known as Lariat, real name: Daigoro Banjo. And he was the owner of Blackwhip. Now Mirio, have you had any contact with the other users since then?"

"No, I haven't."

"I see. Well, this quirk made him well suited to binding enemies and maneuvering through the air."

"Ah yes, those certainly are good uses for the quirk," Izuku said to himself as he brought out a journal of his own along with a pen and began scribbling notes down. "And judging by how young they died and their quirks, it seems like they weren't like you or Mirio. They were sought out and chosen, but rather, it must have been that as they were hunted down by AFO, all they could do was receive it and entrust it to another. Now I'm curious, do you have a guess as to what will be the next quirk to manifest?"

"While I cannot say for sure, I believe it will be float, my master's quirk."

"Well then, I'll go ahead and start doing what I can with the information you gathered. I hope you're ready for some hard training these next few months, Mirio."

"Of course, no way I can let myself fall behind you after all."

And as Izuku said, the next few months were full of constant training... that is, until the end of March... when all heroes disappeared from the cities.

So yeah, another chapter that is shorter than usual, but hey, it's finally time for the war arc. We're approaching the end, and I'll do my best to do it justice.

"Strive for continuous improvement, instead of perfection." - Kim Collins

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