20.Hero Camp Day 1

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Izuku showed up to school earlier than everyone else, even Iida. The reason being because unlike the others who wouldn't be bringing any of their hero gear, other than Aoyama and his belt, he would be bringing most of it along. Not the costume itself, but namely, most of his weapons, the grappling hook gauntlets, and the wheeley boots. And then there was one more thing. Izuku walked into the support course lab where unsurprisingly, Hatsume was working, and slightly surprising, Melissa was on the screen of a laptop next to her, talking to Hatsume.

"Hey there Hatsume, it's here right?"

"Ah yes, it was here when I arrived." Hatsume tossed a box behind her without looking at him, making Izuku scramble to catch it.

Izuku raised an eyebrow at Melissa who just shrugged her shoulders. He set the box down next to Hatsume and opened it up. He took out three objects. The first was 2 red cylinders that Izuku could hold in a hand with the ends barely poking out on either side. And then there was what looked like a hockey puck. There was also a carrier for all of them that could attach to his pants or belt.

"Wow, this is quite a bit Melissa. I was only expecting one of these, you must have worked hard to get these other two done already."

"Yeah, well I definitely owe you, but I definitely had to put in some work to get all this done."

Izuku looked at her closely and noticed some sizable bags under his eyes. "Don't you have classes to worry about? You didn't have to push yourself that much to get it done."

"Ah no worries, classes haven't started yet, though they do tomorrow. And I think I'll sleep from now until then. I'm mostly just calling now to make sure it arrived, give a brief rundown of the items, and to see you off before you go." And she did just that and as soon as she was done, she ended the call and Izuku left the lab, telling Hatsume not to do anything too crazy.

He arrived at the meet up area by buses with his luggage and gear just as everyone else began showing up. "Ah Midoriya, I was not expecting to see you here already," Iida greeted.

"Well the only training I can do at this boot camp would be physical training or with my gear so I came to pick that stuff up."

"Ah I see."

Soon, everyone from class a and b had arrived, and the two classes would soon be getting onto their respective buses. "Hey there Deku, how are you doing? I haven't seen or heard from you since we all left I-Island."

"Ah yeah, good times. It's good to see you again."

"Ah, ah, yeah," Uraraka's face started to go red. "Well, it's finally time for camp." She started clapping while repeating camp over and over again, and Mina and Kaminari joined in.

"Well they're certainly excited."

"What's this, class a has students that need supplementary lessons," Monoma mocked. "That must mean you got failing marks, but isn't that strange?! Isn't class a supposed to be so much better than class b."

As usual, Kendo knocked him out and dragged him away. "Sorry about him."

"So many to choose from," Mineta muttered, drooling as he stared at the girls from class b.

"You have some serious issues," Kirishima told him.

Izuku walked up to the entrance to the bus and faced his class. "Alright everyone, Let's get on the bus! I want to get going before Monoma wakes up and starts another rant!" With some chuckles and nods, his class began boarding the bus while the other class boarded their own.

Once everyone was on and in a seat, the bus took off, everyone one chatting and goofing off on the way. And things were going well for an hour when the bus pulled over. Aizawa instructed everyone to get off the bus and Mineta tan off, looking for a bathroom. But there was nothing at all, not even class b's bus was there

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