40.Begin the Hero War

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So, a bit of an apology beforehand, but this is going to seem a bit rushed. This is due to the fact that in this story I mainly follow Izuku's point of view, so we're just going straight into the thick of it. Hope y'all enjoy these last few chapters.

"If anyone in the neighborhood is unable to get out on their own, please let us know," yelled out pro hero Burnin, a sidekick at the Endeavor Agency. "There's a chance that this area will become a counter-villain battle zone!"

Izuku looked around at what was unfolding. From what he had heard, The League of Villains had increased its power and numbers, but the heroes had found two bases of theirs. The main base, as well as a hospital where the Nomu were made. And so, two main groups were made for both areas, and even the students with licenses were involved. At the main base, the students were mostly at the back, ready to handle the few stragglers that may get through the pro heroes in an attempt to get away. Though a few were called upon to help in some ways in the fight, such as Kaminari who would use his quirk to absorb the electricity of one of the top villain's quirk. Meanwhile the other group, only the pro heroes were on the attack, with students and other pros assisting with the evacuation.

Everyone was involved and in every way. If they weren't with the two groups, they were rounding up the heroes who were truthfully double agents for the group of villains that had been integrated by the League.

The operation had been going on for a short while now, and the whole time, Izuku was hard at work. This was it, if they succeeded, the League would be defeated, and it would do more than just restore the public's faith in heroes. But if they failed, who knew if there would be any recovering from it.

But he stopped now, as he noticed Mirio also stopped as a surprised and worried look appeared on his face. "Mirio what's wrong?"

"It's the first... he's talking." Izuku instantly knew what this meant. The first owner of OFA, the brother of AFO. If he was speaking, then it must be serious. "He says... 'The blowback will be here soon. We don't have long to talk. Freed from the shackles of his humanity, his power now swells. A transcendent one... is coming.'"

Izuku felt his blood run cold, and while those around them had not heard what was said, they could tell something was up, especially when they saw the expression on Izuku's face. While quirkless, he was someone who has calmly faced down AFO and even stabbed him in the leg. But now, both he and Mirio looked scared.

Mirio spoke up, making his voice heard to everyone. "The hospital..."

Izuku snapped out of his stupor as he saw the building begin to break down, being destroyed with the destruction spreading out in all directions. "EVERYONE RUN!!!" As everyone began moving, he saw Mirio and Todoroki begin moving to stop what was coming at them. "Don't bother!" He couldn't explain it exactly, but he knew right away what this was. "I don't know how it got this strong, but that's Decay, Shigaraki's quirk. We won't be able to stop it!"

People ran, flew, drove, did everything they could to get away from the wave of destruction as it sped in their direction and after a while... most of them made it as the wave of destruction finally stopped. Izuku panted as he looked back at it all. The... emptiness. Where just a moment ago was part of a vast city, but now, an empty wasteland.

And then he heard Burnin once again. "Endeavor is calling for all pros who can move without touching the ground to move in and form a perimeter around the area while he engages Shigaraki... huh? One for... what? Whatever, help is coming your way!" She quickly ordered for the evacuation to continue as she called on some heroes to assist Endeavor. "Come on, get a move on, Shigaraki is heading this way!"

"Burnin! Wait," Mirio called out.

"No," Izuku cut in, startling the blonde. "If you tell them, they'll definitely devote some of the forces to protecting you. And there's no mistaking it, first we hear about OFA, and now he's heading this way. He's got a lock on you. Besides, if they were to get involved, it may prove to complicate things further. We knew this would have to happen, now, are you ready for this, to settle what not even All Might could finish?

Mirio hesitated for a second before deciding, a fierce look appearing on his face. "Yeah, and if he's after me, then unless we move out, these people will be in danger."

"Alright then, let's do this." Agreeing, they both ran off, heading away from the civilians and evacuation efforts. They heard shouts from the heroes and their classmates, but they didn't slow down at all, determined to do this.

As they did, Mirio used the coms that they had all been given and got in direct contact with Endeavor. "This is Lemillion. Sorry for using the private channel, but this is urgent. I believe Shigaraki is after me specifically, and that he has a way to locate me. If so, I'll be able to lead him away from the evacuation process."

"The hell are you talking about!"

"I can't explain the reason right now, but if I'm right, he should be changing course now."

"Like he's going to... Damn! He really did change course, he's heading southwest now!"

"Yep, thought so. I'll lure him away then!"

Before anything else could be said, the coms suddenly started acting up. "This has to be Shigaraki, he must have found a way to mess with our communications," Izuku shouted. "That kinda sucks, but there's nothing we can do about it now!"

"Right! Now then, are you ready for this?"

"Heh, are you kidding me? I'm some random kid off the street that got trained by an old blind dude and I use gear that had a kinda crazy/eccentric person work on them. Of course I'm ready!"

"Ha, I see you haven't lost your sense of humor, even in this situation."

"Yeah, besides, there's no way I'm going to leave you to do this alone. That and... even if I ended up dying or got seriously injured, no matter what happens, I'll have succeeded in showing that quirks aren't everything. I mean, I'm going to fight someone with so much power that even All Might couldn't stop them."

"Yeah, that's true but... no dying on me okay. With Shigaraki targeting me, there's no way I'm getting out of this unscathed. And what I'm about to say isn't a request, I'm telling you. When the time comes, if something happens to me, I want you to inherit the power. We can't just let this power die off so easily."

"...Fine then... though... there's no way we're letting Shigaraki get out of this so, I'll just be the placeholder... and wait for someone else to take it."

"Heh, fair enough I guess." Mirio was about to make a joke... but then he saw him. Shigaraki came flying out of the air with his arm outstretched... towards Izuku

"Carve your name on hearts, not tombstones. A legacy is etched into the minds of others and the stories they share about you." - Shannon L. Alder

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