13.Racing Hero

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Izuku, Uraraka, Ojiro, and Todoroki were in Iida's hospital room with the Hosu city police chief, Zatoichi, and Manual.

"Okay, so like you said, using quirks is a punishable offense," Izuku said. "However, that shouldn't matter. If nothing was done then Native would have died."

"Are you saying the ends justify the means," the chief asked. 

"That's how things have been done for ages. But you have a point. However, I don't think we did anything wrong."

"Oh really?"

"Iida was taken down by Stain's quirk before he could do anything. In the end, all Todoroki did was restrain Stain and create obstacles. Ojiro didn't get involved in the fight, and Uraraka mostly just helped drag the paralyzed people away. I was the only one who did any damage, and I don't have a quirk."

"Well yes, however, quirks were used against the hero killer, even if they didn't affect them directly. You used Uraraka's quirk in yourself and Todoroki did freeze and create footholds for you. The argument you are making is like murder and attempted murder. The intent was still there."

"Then I'll take the punishment. I was the one to injure Stain."

"With assistance from your classmates of course." Izuku clenched his fist, and his classmates seemed worried. "However, that is simply my standing as police. Punishment would be decided when this is all made public. However, if this were to never see the light of day, then that's a different story." The students looked at each other with surprise, happy to hear this turn of events. Though Izuku was left unhappy about one thing. The chief of police turned to walk away but stopped in the doorway. "And Midoriya, do not take my words as my belief that you only beat him because of the help of your friends. Even with help, it would take considerable skill to beat the hero killer. And I thank you and your friends for doing what us adults should have."

Izuku's eyes widened, not expecting to hear that. He looked down with a small smile spreading on his face. Uraraka placed a hand on his shoulder and when he looked up, he saw his friends smiling. "He's right, you were amazing Deku."

Iida nodded his head before getting up and walking to Manual, bowing to him. "I'm sorry sir. My actions caused you trouble."

The hero did a small karate chop to his head. "Not just me, you caused other people trouble too. Now if you understand, never do it again."

"Yes sir."

Izuku began walking past them. "Well, we'll let you get some rest Iida. Meanwhile, we'll probably be met with a lot of yelling from Mrs.Bokuden."

"Hey, here's an idea," Zatoichi started

"We're not staying here sensei."

Uraraka and Ojiro nodded, following after Izuku, and Zatoichi begrudgingly went with them. "Alright, but I'm driving. Maybe then we can delay the inevitable."

"Can you even drive without being able to see," Ojiro asked.

"Oh it's not that bad. The scariest part of driving blind, is when you're driving by a playground and hit a speed bump and hear screaming. Then remembering there isn't supposed to be a speed bump anywhere near that playground."

"We'll make sure to visit you in prison sensei."

"Hey Deku, is he speaking from experience? I really hope he isn't."

"I'm not sure, but honestly, he does some pretty stupid things sometimes."

"Hey, is that anyway to talk about your sensei!"

"Shh, we're in a hospital."

It turned out Izuku was right. Rika was waiting for them at the train station, and after grabbing her husband by the ear, they got into the car where she berated them all on the way to the dojo. Well it was mostly directed at Zatoichi, Rika saying he was irresponsible for letting them go into the city when it was under attack.

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