34.Hero and Friends

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"What happened to you Midoriya," Ectoplasm asked. "It looks like you got into a fight."

"Nah, it's all good, just a bit of a disagreement that started with a discussion about tea."




"Don't worry, everything's fine. Now if you'll excuse me, I'll quickly get cleaned up before joining my class." Izuku ran, doing just as he said, and when he arrived he quickly put on the same outfit as the other guys in the dance team. "Good, made it on time."

There were some questions and some complaints, but Izuku managed to calm them back down and they all took their places. Though he did notice Uraraka giving him a look during that, but he shrugged it off as the performance began.

A giant explosion appeared on the stage and the band began playing. At the same time, dancers began their routine and the rest of the class began with special effects. Izuku and Mina danced at the front of the group in sync, Aoyama in between them until he was tossed into the air by Sato and started to shoot lasers like a human disco. Then a ice platform was created by Todoroki somewhere up in the rafters and Aoyama landed on it before dancing up there. Streamers and Mineta's balls along with other random items were thrown into the air and then frozen, creating icy walkways through the air. Tsu ran along said pathways while carrying Uraraka who had used her quirk on herself to float along and highfive and float people from the audience. Then, a couple dancers tethered them to the pathways so they wouldn't float away. And all while this was happening, song and music intertwined to create something amazing.

And as he danced, Izuku could see Eri and Mirio among the crowd, and most importantly, he could see her smile, laugh, and cheer. And to him, that was all that mattered.

After their performance, class A had to clean up from their performance. At the end of that, Eri and Mirio came up to him, the little girl still smiling brightly. "At first, I was a little scared because it was so loud, but then everyone started dancing like "hop hop"! And then the light went "flash" and Mr.Deku looked amazing! And everything got cold like "fwoosh"! And then the light was spinning around, and that lady's voice was like "waaaah" and I said "waaaah" too!" The whole time she spoke, she made little hand gestures that Mirio would copy, and at the end, Izuku gave her a big smile, his eyes getting moist from tears threatening to spill free.

"I'm so glad you enjoyed yourself!"

For a short while, Mirio had to leave to help his own class out, and during that time, Eri was with Izuku, Uraraka, and Tsu. They went around to the many things that the cultural festival had to offer, and continued to do so after Mirio returned. Small competitions, the beauty contest, haunted houses, showcases put on by the support department, food stalls, and so much more.

For a short time, Izuku disappeared towards the end, but he returned as Eri was about to leave. "So, did you have fun today?"


Izuku smiled, he could tell she was slightly disappointed about something and he knew exactly what. "Eri, look at me." As she looked up, he held a candy apple out, offering it to her. "Surprise!"

"A candy apple," Mirio exclaimed. "Were they selling those, I looked everywhere!"

"No, and I had a feeling that might be the case, so earlier today when I went to the store I got the ingredients to make one. The only thing I couldn't get was food coloring, but I was able to borrow some from Satou."

Eri took a bite, smiling at the taste. "Hee hee, even sweeter."

"I can make you some more, so you can look forward to that, okay Eri?"

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