6.Rumors of the Hero

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It's been a few days since the battle training, and now news was getting out that Izuku had made it into UA without a quirk. On the way into school, he and Uraraka were stopped by several news teams that wanted information on All Might.

"Hmm, there isn't really much to say," Izuku told them.

"Uh, I guess he was really muscular... yeah," Uraraka managed to say.

"Seriously, you have the number one hero teaching you and that's all you have to say," a reporter asked. "Fine, what about the quirkless kid? Is it true that someone got into this prestigious school's hero course despite being quirkless? Or are they mere impossible rumors that many believe them to be?"

Uraraka glanced uncertainly at Izuku, unsure of what to say. "Why do you look so nervous Uraraka," Izuku asked. "And to answer your question, there is a quirkless person in the hero course, in fact, they're in our class. Though in case you do meet them later on, don't phrase the rumor as being something impossible, because that's a bit rude. I know what they're capable and I believe that they're just doing what pretty much anyone could do if they didn't focus so much on quirks." Having said his bit, Izuku walked off, and all the reporters turned towards Uraraka, hoping to get more information out of her, especially since they now knew she was in the quirkless kids class.

Uraraka slowly began to back up. "Um, well, I guess what he said is true. But he's being humble, because I can already tell after knowing them only for a few days that they're wonderful." Uraraka ran up to Izuku who had stopped just inside the school gate to listen to Uraraka, leaving the reporters to process what she said.

"Aww, Uraraka you're gonna make me blush"

Hearing him say this, the reporters finally realized. "Wait, does this mean you're the quirkless student?" A reporter stepped forward, causing her co worker to try and stop her, but as she approached the gate, an alarm sounded and the gate closed.

Right before it did, she caught a glimpse of Izuku grinning, sticking out his tongue while flashing the peace sign. "But seriously, do you really think what I can do is that amazing," Izuku asked.

"Of course. Getting into UA without a quirk alone is already amazing. And you're so strong too, why can't you stop being so humble and accept the praise?"

"Probably because he knows his place, though just barely," came a loud voice behind them. Uraraka and Izuku turned around and standing there were three other students. They could tell these students were older, probably third years. "But clearly not enough considering he even dared to take the school's exam.You must have paid someone in order to get in, there's no other way for someone as low as you to make it in otherwise."

Izuku sighed inwardly at their comments. He wasn't surprised someone would think something like that. He guessed that they must be upperclassmen who were unable to make it into the hero course themselves and were upset that he was able to.

"How dare you, Deku isn't the type of person to do something like that. How could you just say that he's weak when you don't really know him?"

"Heh, because without a quirk, how can you possibly hope to become a hero. Stupid little bitch, you're probably only sticking up for him because he's paying you."

Izuku stepped between them and Uraraka, and looked at her. "Thanks for trying to stick up for me, but it's ok. You don't have to." Now Izuku leaned closer to her and whispered into her ear. "Well, I may need your help explaining things to the teachers."

"Yeah, listen to him and scram," another one of the students said, neither him nor the other two knowing what Izuku had said to her.

Izuku turned back around and stared the one in the lead in the eye. "Now, no matter what you say, I've most likely heard it before. But whether you accept it or not, I'm in this school, and I'm in the hero course. Simple as that... however, no matter what you say about me, I don't like it when you start badmouthing or threatening my friends."

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