26.Hero's Sadness

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Class 1-A worried for their green haired member. When Izuku returned to the dorms he shut himself in his room, not responding whenever someone tried talking to him, nor did he come out for dinner. They heard no noise coming from the room, just dead silence. One of them had the idea to try checking on him from the veranda, jumping to his from his neighbors. But Iida quickly vetoed the idea, and in the end, they decided to just leave him be. That night, after everyone went to sleep, Iida and Uraraka remained in the commons area, hoping that Izuku would come out to grab something to eat when everyone was gone so they could talk to him. But after waiting there for a while, they realized that wasn't going to happen and went to sleep themselves.

They were still unable to talk to him the next day. They tried to check on him in the morning and tried the door, and they found it unlocked, but when they looked inside it was empty. His class assumed he probably went to spend time with family or something similar to that, and all of them decided to give him some space and not go looking for him. Later that day, when they met up to continue their training from yesterday, and when he didn't show up, they asked Aizawa where he was. He told them that Izuku was training with Snipe to improve his marksmanship in a different area where they could also work on long distance shots.

When Uraraka and Iida went to the design studio to turn in costume improvement ideas they had meant to turn yesterday they saw Izuku leaving and tried to run after them. But as they passed by the doors of the lab, there was an explosion and Hatsume landed on Iida. By the time they looked around again, Izuku was already gone. They asked Hatsume and Powerloader why he was there, but they only simply said costume improvements.

Things continued like this for a while. Izuku wasn't talking to anyone, holed up in his room in the evening, gone in the morning, only seeing him on his way to or from training. Then on the fourth day, he showed up at gym gamma. Everyone saw that there were changes to his costume and gear, but they couldn't see what they were before he started his training. But they finally got their chance soon.

All Might had been coming to the training, giving advice to all the students, and as Bakugou was working on one of his new moves, a chunk of concrete fell with the retired hero right below. Several people started to move but they weren't going to make it in time. Then Izuku swooped in, using an improved version of the mobility gear Hatsume used during the sports festival instead of his gauntlet grappling hooks. He swung his leg, a sort of jet propulsion coming from the back of his foot and leg, powering up the attack as he destroyed the concrete before landing.

"Are you okay, All Might?"

"Whoah, how the heck did you do that," Kaminari exclaimed.

"That was so manly," Kirishima shouted.

"Ah, it was nothing really. It's all thanks to this new gear that I got. It allows me to almost copy Iida's quirk, while these iron soles both protect me and boosts the destructive power. I have something similar for my arms."

Iida and Uraraka walked up to him. "Hey, Deku, are you okay?"

"Just as you were there for me, I would appreciate it if you allowed me the chance to help in any way possible if you need it," Iida told him.

"Huh, what are you guys talking about?"

"Wha-, Deku! You've been holed in your room or gone most of the time and haven't been speaking to us!"

"Oh..., yeah sorry about that. I'm sad, I really am, I mean, how couldn't I be? But... don't worry about it, I wouldn't say I'm fine, but... I'm dealing with it. Besides, the old man said he'd look over me, so I can't disappoint him with a crappy performance."

"Then why is it that you've been ignoring us Midoriya? We haven't seen you in so long! We've been worried about you!"

"I haven't been avoiding you guys or anything like that, I swear. I've been throwing myself into my training. Extra training in the morning, and in the evening I would study and work with Hatsume and Melissa on the creation of my gear. Sorry if I never heard you guys, I must have been too absorbed in my work."

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