5.Hero's Conviction

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"Ready... start," All Might declared.

Izuku entered the building with Uraraka following behind him. Soon after entering the building, they found a room that Izuku thought would be good for his plan. "Alright then, this will work. You know what to do."

Barely a minute had passed when Bakugou stopped in front of the doorway. Izuku was inside the room alone, waiting on his knees. Hearing the breathing of Bakugou, he looked him in the eye, having expected the blonde to come straight for him.

"Deku you bastard, what the hell are you doing just sitting here?"

"Hello there Bakugou. I knew you would come looking for me, so after making a plan, I waited for you here. And there's something I've already one upped you on. Teamwork, because I'm guessing you didn't even say a word to Iida, much less create a plan."

"Shut up you useless Deku! I don't need a plan because it's impossible for your useless ass to beat me!"Bakugou jumped forward, swinging his arm wildly to perform his signature right hook he used at the beginning of every fight.

And Izuku knew about that, having known him since childhood. He got up slightly, bringing one foot up and forward, not moving the other. Ducking slightly under the attack, he grabbed the arm with his left hand, stopping the attack before pulling Bakugou closer. Not wasting a second and taking advantage of Bakugou leaving himself open, Izuku punched hard, hitting Bakugou in the gut, making him bend over slightly.

Quickly, Izuku got up and jumped away, and Bakugou tried to stop him with another attack. But surprisingly to Bakugou, Izuku not only avoided the attack, but the explosion somehow sent him straight towards the wall at high speed.

Izuku rearranged his body, his feet landing on the wall and jumped off, heading straight back to Bakugou. Izuku moved so quickly through the air that it seemed impossible to Bakugou and he only barely managed to move out of the way. As he passed by, Izuku drew his wakizashi and swung it.

The blade passed by Bakugou's face, missing it barely by a few inches. "Hah, you missed dumbass. And let me guess, you used round face's quirk so you could jump through the air like that."

"I don't aim to kill, but you're right, I did miss my target. But I won't miss my next attack," Izuku told him as he landed against the wall and once again jumped off it. This time, he jumped to the side instead of straight back, before jumping at Bakugou. Once again, Izuku drew his wakizashi as he passed by, and this time, as Bakugou dodged, he finally saw what Izuku's target was.

It was his gauntlets. Izuku's sword fit the gauntlet at the base of the trigger. While it didn't break completely, there was a small gash, and Bakugou's sweat which the gauntlets stored was now leaking. The attack also managed to knock Bakugou off balance, the angry teen not expecting such speed and power. "Bastard!"

Combo move: godspeed. Before Bakugou had found the room, Uraraka erased Izuku's gravity. And now, Izuku was currently using the same move from the entrance exam, but repeatedly. The first of Izuku's techniques, lightning strike, was a move that focused on speed. Using the incredible leg strength he had developed in training, he quickly moved forward a short distance, quickly striking his opponent during the movement. Now, thanks to Uraraka's quirk, he was able to keep using the move over and over, and from various angles.

With his speed and precision, the best Bakugou could hope for was barely dodging or blocking. The main reason he managed the dodge the first one was because this was an improvised move that Izuku had no experience with. But know that he's gotten started, built up speed, and was quickly adapting to it. And to make matters worse for Bakugou, he couldn't find any pattern to Izuku's moves, and the reason for that was that there wasn't any pattern.

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