23.Taken Hero

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Izuku's consciousness was extremely muddled. He heard bits of pieces and saw an image every now and then, but he couldn't make sense of it. His body cried out in pain, so much so that he just wanted to sink deeper into his mind, to sleep until the pain was finally gone. "Wait, what's even happening," Izuku thought. "Where am I? What was I even doing? The last thing I remember..."

"What the hell are you doing Muscular!"

"That's right, Muscular, I was fighting. But what happened after that? Did I lose? I'm not dead. But if I lost to Muscular then he would have killed me. And that other voice... is that Shigaraki?"

"Shut up! Hey you... like a demon... quirk..."

"My consciousness is fading again." Izuku got a glimpse of the forest. The dome of gas was gone, but he didn't have much time to think about that before he conked out again.

"We... target... yeah he's secured."

Izuku began to hear things again. And with his waking consciousness, the pain started to get worse. "How long was I out?"

"Behave yourself, don't even try to use your quirks or you'll regret it."

"Wait Tomura, I ask that you think about this."

"Who is that? I've never heard their voice before. And it sounds like they're not even here, like the voice is coming from across a screen.

"You should know by now that it is unwise to let anger cloud your judgement so easily."

"You're right, we can use him. That'll be sure to break the heroes' spirit."

Izuku heard a sound he remembered from the USJ, the sound of that warp villain using his quirk, and then he drifted away again. He didn't know how long he was out, but when he came too again he did so completely. He opened his eyes, and slowly lifted his head, looking around at his surroundings. He was in a dark room with what looked like tanks with humanoid shapes in them, sitting in a chair. "I'm glad to see you're awake." It was the voice from before. Izuku turned his head despite his body screaming out in protest. He saw a man in a suit sitting in a chair with multiple monitors behind him, his face cast in shadow hiding it from view.

"And who... are you? Where... am I?"

"That's not what is important, instead why don't we talk about you, or more accurately, what I can do for you."

"What's that... supposed... to mean?

"Ah right, I'm sure you're in a lot of pain. Muscular sure is a brutish man, I do apologize. Let me fix you up." The man reached out and placed a hand on Izuku's head. Izuku felt a warmth spread through him. It was a nice feeling, and the pain began to disappear. Izuku moved his arm and felt no discomfort, and looking down at his left arm, it looked like it was no longer broken. "There we go, we can hardly talk when you're in such a state." The man removed his hand and sat back in his chair, resting an elbow on the arm rest and his chin on his hand.

Izuku sat up straighter, looking at the man warrily. "I'll ask again, who are you, and where is this place?"

"Well if you must now, this is one of the storage facilities we use."

"And who is we?"

"Come now, I know you're smarter than that, Izuku Midoriya."

"You're with the League of Villains, aren't you."

"Yes, yes I am."

"What do you want with me? Why am I here?"

"I must say, I was also surprised when Muscular brought you here. It seems he finds you quite interesting, and I must admit, so do I."

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