10.Sports Festival Hero

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Instinctively, Todoroki raised his right hand towards Izuku and without thinking activated his quirk, covering it in flame. And Izuku had his gun aimed for Todoroki, already squeezing the trigger.

None looking could tell which attack would hit first, though many were prejudiced in believing that the son of the number two hero would outdo the one who people realized must be the rumored quirkless student. But despite how close the attacks were, there was a simple difference in mindset in the attackers.

Izuku refused to give up, not willing to bow to even the mightiest. And Todoroki, who may have wanted to be an amazing hero, but did not have the same unrelenting drive, and whose disgust for his left side held him back.

And it was that disgust that slowed Todoroki as he realized what he was doing. Which was all Izuku needed as he fired his shot, firing straight at Todoroki's chest. Though there was no danger to his life. The round that was fired was simply a rubber bullet. And while two weeks were not nearly long enough for Izuku to become greatly proficient at marksmanship, with how close he was, the bullet managed to to hit Todoroki square in the middle of his forehead, and the dual quirked boy began to fall backwards but was stopped by his two teammates behind him. As Izuku passed by them, he swung his arm, hitting Todoroki.

And since Uraraka had already erased his gravity earlier, Izuku started to go straight up into the air. "I told you Todoroki, I refuse to just lose," Izuku shouted as he aimed his gun at Todoroki again. Seeing this, Todoroki created another wall of ice to block, and as he did, Izuku smiled. Because during their little confrontation, both Todoroki and his team had forgotten something.

Suddenly, the team felt a strong force hit them as the three members of Izuku's team rushed them, the element of surprise making the attack much more effective. And unlike last time, Todoroki's team weren't able to help him as he fell to the ground

Midnight announced that the cavalry battle was over. With it all over, Darkshadow went up and grabbed Izuku, bringing him down before Uraraka released her quirk.

"Let's see who are our top four teams," Mic announced. "In first place, having managed to keep their headband, it's team Midoriya! In second place, it is team Bakugou. In third, team Tets- wait, what!? It's team Shinsou! When did this turn around happen?! Well then, in fourth place is team Kendo! Thesel are the four teams that will be taking part in the final event. But before that, we will be taking an hour break for lunch."

Izuku began walking away, heading towards the waiting room and when he got there, he put his gear away. As he turned to leave, he saw Todoroki at the door. "Hey, let's talk."

Izuku rolled his eyes, having a fair idea of what Todoroki had to say. "Sure, it's not like I wanted to eat lunch or anything. And shouldn't you go take care of that giant bruise on your forehead? Whatever, so even though I probably know why, I may as well ask. What did you want to talk about?"

"You surprised me, so much so that you made me break my own pledge."

"I guess you're talking about your left side?"

"Yes, indeed. As I am sure you are aware, my father is Endeavor. The second ranked hero, which is why I can't afford to lose."

"Aw come on, I don't want to hear some rich boy stuff of having to win in order to make the big famous daddy proud."

"Is that what you think I meant? I guess I can see where you are coming from, but you are mistaken. Sure he's gone and made a name for himself as a hero, but he's always seen All Might as a roadblock and an eye sore. But my father could never beat All Might on his own. So he came up with another plan. Quirk marriages. You've heard of them, right?"

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