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“Izuku Midoriya, someone who despite what was said about him, stood head and shoulders above us all. A youth, who despite his young age and the hurdles he faced, rose to a position that some say was greater than the former Symbol of Peace, All Might. Hear his story here tonight a-"

"Oi, can you turn that shit off!"

Shaking his head, a nearby worker grabbed the remote and turned off the TV in the corner of the small cafe. "Heh, sure, sure," he answered, his voice staticky and slightly robotic.

Bakugou scoffed as he turned back to his drink. As he did, the door to the nearly empty cafe opened up, the arrival of people being announced by the sound of chatter and the ringing of a bell. "Hey there Masky, good to see you again," Mina called out loudly to the worker who had turned off the TV.

"For obvious reasons, just because I wear a mask doesn't mean my name is masky… but yes, good to see you again Ms.Ashido."

"Geez, I've told you already, just call me Mina~!"

"Sure, Ms.Ashido."


"Well then, it seems you're all here. In that case, I will start bringing everything out." As more and more people arrived, the worker began bringing out large plates of food, bringing up a small buffet for the group. "There you go, if you need anything, dont hesitate to ask." He gave a small bow to everyone before leaving the group of the former class 1-A alone.

"I can't believe it's already been a few years," Uraraka said softly. 

"Yep, we're all now pro heroes, and Bakugou finally managed to snag the top spot."

"Of course I did, I'm the best so there's no way I would have failed to be recognized as such. There was no way i was going to be outclassed forever!"

"I still can't believe they gave the top position to a dead person for two years straight though," Mineta muttered.

A few people got quiet at those words, but Bakugou just scoffed. "Heh, of course they did. After what he did for us, if he didn't get such recognition, I would have beat the shit out of the association!"

"Yeah, too bad we were never able to find his body though. It would have been nice to give him a proper burial," Todorki said, nodding sagely. 

"Come now, everyone, let us not wallow in our regrets so deeply," Iida called out. "Instead, let us celebrate the peace that our gone friend gave us, and the completion of his dreams! Cheers!"

"Cheers," called out everyone, even Bakugou.

And now, this story has come to a close, and the time for a new story has begun... or has it?

No really, has it, I do plan to keep writing, but during the last chapter, I wondered to myself... should I do a sequel to this?

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