8.Hero's Growth

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"Please Sensei," Izuku asked, bowing to Zatoichi on his hands and knees. Classes had been cancelled the day after the USJ incident, and Izuku was currently at the dojo.

"I am guessing from where your voice is coming from, you are on your hands and knees. You must really want me to resume your training. But I shall not. I have told you when we first started training that there is a reason for what I do, and as such, there is also a reason for your swordsmanship training to be put on hold."

"But Sensei-"

"No. Right now, you are missing something, well two things actually. You have told me of your success during the battle trial you had on your second day of school, and I managed to get a recording of it sent here. And before you say anything about not being able to see it, remember, I have a wife that can give me a play by play. And after being with me for so long, she has also picked up a couple things on fighting, though that beastly woman was already tough when I met her. I just couldn't sense the monster hidden behind her mask until it was too late-"

"You're rambling about your wife again."

"Oh right. BUt she's also seen your progress since you began. And you did fight during the USJ incident despite your teachers warnings... that I do approved of. Right now you do have the heart of a hero, and you are talented with the blade. But that is all. You are still young, and like many who progressed as quickly as you did, you do not have the talent or wisdom that one would normally have at your stage. I do not think two battles, one of which was training only, is enough for you to gather those two since I paused your training."

"Sensei, please listen to me, listen to the end of what I have to say."

"Fine then."

"Sensei, I fought hard with what you have taught me, but during the USJ I felt so... so weak. All I was able to do was hold off the warp villain for a while and that was all. I did not actually accomplish anything else."

"Nonsense, You are but a young rookie, still wet behind the ears. When you consider that, you did well."

"But me being a rookie is no excuse." Izuku remembered at the end of the fight at the USJ, All Might came dangerously close to running out of time. And it was only because of the good timing of the other heroes that they did as well as they did. "There should be no excuse for failing someone, because no matter what, even if it means sacrificing themselves, a hero should always be there to save the day. I know that I lack experience, and I also know that what I'm capable of now will not be enough. Please, you say that my swordsmanship training is on hold, and that's ok. But please, teach me more, because my swordsmanship will not be enough, my swords will not always be able to save someone in time."

Izuku bowed his lower, and because of that, he did not see the large smile growing on Zatoichi's face. "Good," he thought. "It seems he was able to gain some knowledge during this last fight after all. He is rather sharp, so it makes sense. So far, I have only taught him swordsmanship and hand to hand techniques for him to use in fights. But he knows that for someone like him who does not have a quirk to support him, that is not enough.."

"You are correct, your blades and fists will not be enough. As always, you pick up on things quickly. If I'm not mistaken, the sports festival at UA is usually held not too long from now. Well, if you're so determined, then I may be able to help you get a bit closer to being truly battle ready by then. However, I must judge if you are ready to really use what you'll be learning, or I will not allow you to use it at all. Which means, to get ready in time, we'll be doing some brutal training. Any time you are not at school, sleeping, eating, or taking a shit or shower, you will be here, and you will be training. It will be hard, a normal man may want to give up midway. So what about you? Are you ready for your hell?"

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