2.A Heroes Start

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Izuku thought back on how far he had come in ten months. Anyone who knew him could tell that he had changed, and he knew it was for the better, and in more ways than one.

It wasn't obvious when he wore clothes, but he had gotten much stronger and had the muscles to prove it. Most notable to others, was his shift in personality and his new found confidence. While he never argued or started any fights over it, he no longer just sat around and let people look down on him. Though he never had to do anything as he now had this air around him that people could just tell he wasn't the same pitiful nerd he had been. Also, he no longer had any self doubt or sense of inferiority.

Then there was his combat prowess. Even though he was blind and in his fifties, Zatoichi was still strong. At first, Izuku did some basic training to get his body into shape and was taught basic sword techniques using a wooden sword with weights in it so he could get used to it. He struggled at first, especially with the sword. After a while, he had light sparring with Zatoichi, and he would always end up on his back or rear. And each time that happened, Zatiochi would tell him to hurry up and stand again.

But that wasn't the case anymore. Zatiochi knew many different styles and techniques, and even found new ones for Izuku to learn. And Izuku was very observant and was a quick study, quickly picking up different techniques. Now, it was Zatoichi who was at a disadvantage, though he still won some of their sparring matches.

For the last month, Izuku took part of a bit of special training that Zatoichi believed to be very important. And that was for Izuku to create and fight a match using his own techniques that he created himself. The result. He lost the fight. But...

"You pass, my student," Zatiochi said. They were both kneeling in the middle of the dojo that Zatoichi ran.

"But I lost the fight Sensei."

"Yes, but you lost using your own moves. This challenge that I have given to you is something that I very rarely offer to any of my students. And none have won the fight. This was also meant to teach you a very important lesson, one that you must never forget. That even the best moves need the support of all your knowledge. And I must admit, out of those who have done this, you may have been the most challenging."

"Are you sure that's not because you're getting old?"

"Hehe, that may very well be the case. But still, you have talent. Today is the day of the UA entrance exams. Before you leave, I wanted to give you a gift. When some people give gifts to commemorate something, it's usually some memento or the like. But I am sure you will find this quite useful on your path to becoming a hero."

"I'm grateful for your confidence in me, but I have yet to pass the entrance exams, so I may not become a hero."

"Boy, if you do not pass even after everything these last ten months, it will either because they for some reason decide to unjustly deny you, or because you failed yourself. But I know you're capable of doing it, so if it's the first then I'll march on over fight them on this, and if it's the second..."

"You'll have me perform seppuku," Izuku asked sarcastically. But to his horror, a large grin spread on Zoichi's face.

"Good idea. Now, Itsuki, bring it in!"

A sliding door on the side of the dojo opened up, revealing Zatoichi's top student currently at the academy, Itsuki Ayatsuji. He had messy black hair and was taller than Izuku by about three inches. He too was kneeling, with a bundle wrapped in a silk cloth next to him, which he grabbed as he stood up and walked over to the pair. After kneeling back down, he handed the bundle to Zatoichi who set it down between him and Izuku.

"Here you go, I talked to old friends and contacts and called in a few favors to have this made for you. I am sure you could have gotten something similar once you become a hero, but this may be a higher quality. All of it was carefully pade, from end to end. My hope is that it serves you well."

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