11.Hero's Internship

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"Welcome you two, I hope you're ready to give it your all this week," Zatoichi greeted.

"Thank you for doing this sir," Uraraka thanked, bowing in his direction.

Flashback to a few days ago.

"Hey Deku, the person you call Sensei is the one who taught you all your fighting skills right?"

"Uh, yeah. Well not completely. I did get different treatment, but there were other students there, and some alumni I guess you could call them that helped me. In fact, I'm friends with one of the older students named Itsuki and he knew how to use the staff. It was with his help that I was able to use my staff effectively, and the one who's going to be teaching me to shoot is Dangan Sensei... oh wait, sorry, I'm kinda rambling a bit."

"No no, don't worry, it's ok, really. But I was wondering, will you be doing your internships with him?"

"Huh, oh yeah. He does have a teaching certificate and he's asked, and he is allowed to take me on for the internships. Why do you ask?"

"Well you see, my fight with Bakugou got me thinking. Getting stronger opens up all sorts of possibilities. And just doing things the same old way is kinda limiting. I was drafted by Gunhead and I thought I would go with him."

"Oh really, I would have thought you would go with 13. But what you said makes sense, I mean, that's why I've decided I want to learn more than just swordsmanship."

"Right, well I was wondering something."

"What is it?"

"Do you think you can ask your Sensei to take me too?"

"Huh, um, I guess I can. But are you sure?"

"Yeah totally."

"Hey, can I ask the same," Ojiro asked as he walked up. "I fight using martial arts and I'm sure interning with the person who made you so strong in only a few months will help me."

Flashback end.

"Hey sir, where's Midoriya," Ojiro asked. "I know we came straight here instead of going to the train station like the rest of the class, but I didn't expect he would be late or anything."

"Heh, oh he's not late. He's already at work inside. He's been here since this morning."

"Wait, really," the two students asked.

"Yep. I swear, that kid makes me miss the energy of my youth. Well anyway, come on." Zatoichi turned and began walking away. "As you can see, next door is a house, which is where me and my wife live. You can go between the two through a gate in that direction. There's a storage room in that direction over there where all the gear is stored. Up ahead are two of our smaller dojo's, and behind it is a larger one where Izuku is training at right now."

"I'm surprised how accurately you're pointing everything out sir," Ojiro said.

"Hah, well what did you expect. I may be blind and old, but I'm neither useless nor senile. I've been living here for almost thirty years. That's why I have no need for a walking stick on these grounds."

"Hey sir, what's that building over there," Uraraka asked, pointing to a small building at the side of the grounds.

"I can't see where you're pointing, but I can guess what building you're talking about." Zatoichi raised his hand and pointed at the same building. "Do not worry, you don't need to concern yourself with that place. Or at least, you should hope you won't have to."

Uraraka and Ojiro felt a little uneasy at what the old man said, but were soon distracted as they heard noise coming from the larger dojo they were approaching now. Opening the door, Zatoichi revealed an intense scene.

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