24.Hero, The Future Symbol

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"My answer is... no," Inko said.

"What," Izuku exclaimed. "You said it was okay yesterday!"

After the events of the Kamino Incident, where AFO was defeated and captured, UA decided to implement a dorm system in an attempt to placate worries of danger to the students. And today, teachers were going around to the families of the students to talk to them about it, especially with those in the hero course.

"I've been thinking about it since then, and now, I'm not so sure. Izuku... you're quirkless. I know you're strong, but I don't think you fully understand how much you make me worry. Everyday heroes with powerful quirks get injured, and I just don't want to see you get hurt too. Ever since enrolling in UA, you've been put in danger again and again. All Might, I saw your fight the other day, and as a citizen I am grateful for what you did... but as a parent, it scared me. Is that his fate? If he's heading for a future that bloody... then I... I... before, he got so much joy just from watching heroes do their work. So now I think that that's enough."


"Izuku... I want to support you, and I know you'll want to continue going to UA, but I'm sorry Izuku."

"I've been ignoring my mother's feelings until now," Izuku realized. "And this is the consequence."

"Let me speak plainly, as Izuku's mother. With UA in the current state it's in, I cannot in good conscience entrust my son to your school. This has nothing to do with how good a hero you are or were, it's about classes that get attacked by villains and students suffering injuries that the school cannot prevent. I don't want my son going to a school like that anymore."

"It's not their fault I got hurt though!"

"I don't care what you say Izuku, what happened to you is the school's responsibility."

"Young Midoriya, take a seat."

"I don't care if you think I'm being overprotective, I'm fine with that. And I'm not trying to ruin Izuku's dreams. If he still wants to become a hero, then there are hero courses all over Japan at other schools." Izuku ran out of the room, and Inko got up, ready to go after him. "Izuku! I'm sorry, I'll go after him."

But before she could chase him, he returned with a paper in his hand. "Fine. It doesn't have to be UA. But look, Mom, All Might." He showed the paper to them, and they saw that it was a letter. "Look at this letter that I got. It's from the kid I saved during the camp, the one I fought the villain to protect. He hated all heroes and our superhuman society in general. But still, he told me thank you. I know it's wrong of me to make you worry so much... but even if just for a second, this kid's letter made me feel like a real hero. I was so happy! It doesn't have to be UA, I'll go wherever! Because I'm going to become a hero!"

All Might stood up, mustering his strength to turn into his muscle form and kneeled on hands and knees in front of Izuku and Inko. "I... believe Izuku is suitable to become my successor." Izuku's eyes widened, not understanding what All Might was doing. "No, I'm sure he won't merely walk in my shadow, but walk his own path surpassing mine. I want to lead him, and make him a symbol to everyone, a symbol of hope."

"W-what, hold on, what are you doing," Inko asked. "What are you saying?"

"As the former symbol of peace, I must apologize. I was lax in his education and was unable to protect him effectively. So now, as a teacher of UA... I beg you. Indeed, the path I walked was a bloody and dangerous one. But that's not what I want for your son. I will stand by him and help him find his own path."

"All Might..."

"It's completely reasonable to have doubts about UA because of the state it's in. But the heroes of Ua know that, they know that things have to change. Please, do not focus on the current UA, but the future UA going forward. Please, allow me to devote myself to the training of Izuku. I'll protect him and raise him right, even if it costs me my life."

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