25.Hero loss

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"At the camp we worked on strengthening your quirks, or in Midoriya's case, overall skill and body conditioning," Aizawa told the class. They were all in their classroom, sitting in their desk despite school still not having started up yet. "But the main focus was to try and get your provisional licenses. While the camp was interrupted, that goal has still not changed."

"Yes sir!"

"Do not take this lightly. A hero license means that you're responsible for human lives. You can imagine the exam to receive one is difficult. Only 50% of students who take this test pass each year. In order to prepare, today you'll concentrate on creating something new." The door opened and Midnight, Cementoss, and Ectoplasm stepped into the room. "Two ultimate moves."

"Your moves represent who you are," Midnight told them. "These days, most heroes have an ultimate move. Those who don't are fools."

"This may sound abstract, but we'll explain more as the day goes on. For now, change into your costumes and meet in gym gamma."

Everyone got up and did as they were told, getting dressed and meeting up at the gym. Once there, the heroes went into further details about what they would be doing. "This place was my idea," Cementoss announced. "Here, I can use my quirk to create the perfect terrain and objects to fit each student's needs."

"May I ask a question," Iida asked. "Why must we create ultimate moves in order to obtain our licenses? PLease explain the intention behind that requirement."

"Calm down," Aizawa said. "Heroes deal with many accidents, disasters, and catastrophes, both natural and man made. It's our job to save people from pretty much any kind of situation. In the exam, your ability to adapt in those situations will naturally be observed. It won't just be fighting. Ability to gather information and make fast decisions will be judged, as well as how well you communicate, cooperate, and lead others."

"Those with an ultimate move will have an advantage," says Midnight.

"Your circumstances should not dictate the results of your future battles," Cementoss explained. "Learn to be consistent and you will be a valuable asset on the frontline."

"Your ultimate move doesn't necessarily have to be an attack," Ectoplasm continued. "For example, Iida's Reciproburst."

"You each will be working hard to develop powerful ultimate moves of your own for the next ten days or so," Aizawa told them. "This is how you'll spend the remainder of your summer vacation. Prepare for intensive training. In addition, you should think about your costumes and how you could improve on them. Especially now that you have a better understanding of your quirks. I expect each of you to go plus ultra."

Cementoss created platforms for each student to train on, and Ectoplasm made clones to help in the instruction of each student. "It's my understanding that you have already created your own moves for when you use the sword," Ectoplasm said.

"Yeah, I have," Izuku told him. "I also know some techniques taught to me by my Sensei."

"I see, in that case, instead of working on your swordsmanship, we focus on developing your other skills. You only started with the staff and guns right before the sports festival, correct? You should work on improving your skill with those weapons and creating moves you can use with them."

"Yes sir." Izuku set down his swords and reached for his staff. "I personally believe that my marksmanship is what's most lacking and needs the most work."

"Hold on, before we decide that, I think we should take a look at your proficiency with both. Your fighting style seems focused on close range, and it would also know how well you can fight while making use of your mobility gear. First, with staff only."

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