32.Heroes Vs Yakuza: Aftermath

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To say that Izuku got a nice rest after dealing with Chisaki and the rest of the precepts would be to tell a big fat lie. First, there were a couple of stragglers here and there to round up, people to find after they had pretty much been eaten up by the living underground labyrinth Mimic had become.A few statements here and there for the police, a quick trip to the hospital, not that he stayed very long unlike Kirishima who wa stuck there for a while, especially with Recovery Girl able to finish things up once he got back to UA, which she did. Then after that, with Uraraka and Tsu following him since they got to UA because they were also getting checked by the nurse, he made a very quick trip to Hatsume at the lab to let her know that he would need to restock on some of his stuff like the explosive and smoke pellets, and to drop off a few things for minor repairs, while also letting her know that he would want to talk to her and Melissa as soon as possible, but not then since he would like to get some rest after the mission. Hatsume was surprised by this, she even expected something like that when she saw a few details about what happened on the news during one of her rare breaks and saw that Izuku had been involved. Just as Izuku had her pretty figured out by now as a pretty eccentric person with no fear of failure, she also had gained an understanding of him, especially how he also worked on improving, always coming up with new ideas or tweaks after pretty much every major event.

Which was very true. Dreams crushed by All Might and meeting Zatoichi? Trained with Zatoichi to become a hero. USJ Incident? Rounding out an arsenal and learning to fight with more than just his daisho or in hand to hand combat. I-Island? Weapon and armor capsules. Summer Camp? Support gear to help him close the gap between him and stronger opponents. Death of Zatoichi? He was made aware of a skill that he never made full use of before, though that wasn't the case anymore. He was going to work on not only using it to the fullest, but even improving the skill. Speaking of...

"Hey Deku, I've been meaning to ask, but how did you get so strong so fast?"

"I'm curious as well. While he had already been running on fumes, you handled that large villain with ease, and it looked like Togata was pretty injured while you got through with far less injuries."

Izuku was caught off guard by the sudden question from the two girls, but he quickly recovered. "I mean, I guess it's pretty simple, but in some ways it's complicated."

" I see that you still have quite the way with words, eh Izu." Izuku looked up and ahead on the path, and standing outside the front of the class A dorms was Zatoichi's daughter, Youko. "Good to see you again. You know, I was a little worried when I saw you on a news report involving heroes, a kidnapped kid, and the Yakuza. But when I get here I find you going on a moonlit stroll with two girls. Give me back all that time I spent worrying."

"Alright, Youko, first off, I can't give that back. Second, why did you even worry oh ye of so little faith? Third, don't even start, you're just as bad as your parents. I swear, everytime I'm seen with a girl. When Uraraka came for the internship training after the sports festival, and when I brought a couple people over to the cafe for a little study session."

"Yeah, sounds about right, they did to me too. They're one of those relatives to ask if you're in a relationship the moment they see you with someone of the opposite gender. I don't have to deal with it now that I'm married, but too bad for you."

"Hey Deku, who is this?"

"Ah, right, you've never met. This is Youko, she's Sensei's daughter and her son Sen. And this is Uraraka and Tsu, they're in the same class as me and were also part of the mission, which we are returning from and that's it."

"Sure bro. Oh yeah-"

"I know." Izuku turned around just as a small figure jumped out of the nearby bushes and up at him, but he caught them by the back of their shirt. "Nice try, waiting for me to be in the middle of talking, but I had already noticed you."

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