29.Heroes Three

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Aizawa told Mirio to do as he pleased, and the class got dressed in their gym clothes and headed to the wonderland. Izuku got permission from Aizawa to make use of his weapons, and he grabbed them as they left. Once there Mirio began stretching while Izuku's class stood uncertainly. Most felt that he was completely looking down on them, Bakugou especially, when Amajiki said something that they weren't expecting. "You have to make sure you're careful Mirio. No matter what, you must not make it so they can't get back on their feet anymore."

"Wait a moment," Tokoyami said. "We may have a handicap, but isn't this a bit much?"

"Yeah man," Kirishima exclaimed. "We've got experience fighting villains too! Are you saying that you look down on us that much?"

"Yes, well... one of you isn't a smallfry, but still, yeah. So, I think I know the answer but who's up first"

"Trust me guys, this isn't blind cockyness," Izuku said, stepping forward with all his gear equipped, once again using his non lethal swords. "And Mirio, I'd be careful if I were you. I know what you're capable of, but you can't really say the same for me. And obviously, I'll be up first."

Mirio laughed. "Haha, yeah, now that's what I'm talking about! Let's do this thing!"

Everyone but Mirio and Izuku took a fighting stance, the two of them just staring at the other, their expressions blank and unreadable. As they stood there, all of those with long range quirks launched their attacks, but still Izuku stood there calmly, watching Mirio intently, analyzing everything about him. As the attacks reached him, Mirio's clothes began falling off his body, and then there was destruction. When it all settled Mirio was gone, and knowing what his next move was most likely to be, Izuku began moving.

"I think I'll start by taking out the long distance fighters," Mirio called out as he popped up from behind Jiro. But the moment he did, he felt something slam into him from both sides. One was Izuku who had accurately guessed what Mirio would do, and Bakugou who followed Izuku's lead.

"Heh Deku, looks like all that time analyzing people was well spent!"

"And it was a good thing you recognized what I was doing Kacchan!"

Bakugou blinked in surprise, not expecting to hear that nickname again, but he focused again, ready for whatever Mirio was going to do. Mirio activated his quirk again, slipping back beneath the ground.

"Look out guys, Mirio is extremely strong! He can pass through objects, but when he stops that quirk, the matter can't overlap so he's shot out of the ground! And he has a second quirk that's a physical booster type!" As Izuku said this, Aoyama and Mineta let out pained grunts as Mirio appeared and took them both out with a blow to the stomach. "Dang, I might not be able to keep up with him! Hey Kacchan!" Izuku turned to Bakugou and began running towards him.

"What are you doing Deku!?"

Izuku jumped up into the air while gripping the hilt on his katana, turning around in mid air, and as he did, Mirio popped out of the ground again, targeting Sero. "Just like Kamino!" Realization dawned on Bakugou's face, followed by a sinister grin. Maneuvering his palms underneath Izuku's feet, he activated his quirk. "First Blade: Thunder Strike- bullet!"


Caught off guard by the sudden combo move, Izuku was able to get another hit in. And instead of sinking underneath the ground, Mirio jumped back and grabbed his pants from where they had been left behind, quickly pulling them on midair. "Wow, I wasn't expecting that, I thought you two were practically enemies, it seems I was wrong."

"More like, just out of the loop." Izuku reached behind him, reaching into his utility belt, all while carefully watching Mirio. "So then, what you going to do?" Smoke began billowing out as he used a smoke grenade, and dropping it he reached up and turned on his visor.

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