9.A Hero's Debut

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The two weeks between when Izuku had the conversation with Nezu and the day of the sports festival flew by. During that time, he was given special permission to take the weapons made for him to practice with them as long as either Zatoichi or Dangan were there to watch over him.

During that time, he began to temporarily live with Zatoichi and his wife and so did Dangan, so that way, they could devote more time to Izuku's training. During the weekends, other than eating, sleeping, and the short breaks provided to him, he spent the entirety of the day training and continued to do so well after the sun had set. While training, no one but Izuku and his two Sensei's were present, the three of them keeping the details of his training secret from all but Rika. He was only given a real chance to rest on the day before the sports festival so he'd be ready and rested.

And now, it was the day of the sports festival. During the time between, Izuku had gotten a few comments, mostly from students of other courses, that he was going to lose his place in the hero course and he was ready to prove them wrong. This would be his public debut, and he would show both the students and the rest of the world that he was not to be taken likely

Izuku was currently in a waiting room with the rest of his class when Todoroki walked up to him. "I am stronger than you, more capable," Todoroki just bluntly said. Izuku gave him a look of both confusion and annoyance. "I will beat you, it is just a simple fact. You may be strong, even without a quirk, but your skills and swords will only take you so far in this superhuman society, and my level is beyond that."

"That's what you think," Izuku told him. "Though, I have to tell you. You're lower than you think you are, so don't act high and mighty. If you continue to use only your ice, then that fake throne you convinced yourself into thinking is real will be easily toppled."

"Use my fire? Did my father put you up to this?"

"What, no. I've never met your dad. Why would he have me tell you to use your fire?"


Izuku shrugged his shoulders. Once it was finally time for them to gather with the other classes in the stadium for the beginning,Izuku reached for the case, but then decided to not use the contents and left.

As the classes exited into the main area, Present Mic who was the announcer, announced the classes, class A getting an extra special one. Izuku could tell that this annoyed the other classes, especially those from the ones from general studies.

"Great," Izuku thought. "Now they're going to be gunning for us extra hard."

At one end of the area was a small stage and standing on it was Midnight. "Now then, time for a word from the student rep. Would you please come up, Katsuki Bakugou."

Bakugou walked up on stage and up to the microphone. "Make no mistake about it, I'm going to take first place." Instantly, the crowd of students began booing him, while Izuku just shook his head.

As Bakugou was walking back to his class, Midnight began speaking again. "Now, without any delay, let us begin our first event." Behind her was a screen and words began flashing on it like some kind of roulette, when the words stopped and it said obstacle course race. "The first event is this, an obstacle course race. It is a race among all the classes, and as long as you don't go off the course, anything is fair game."

A large gate opened up at one end of the stadium and the students began pushing and shoving to get to the front of the group. Izuku didn't bother trying, however, knowing it would be nearly impossible to push his way through the crowd.

"Start," Mic said, and instantly everyone began running and pushing.

The gate area was narrow, making it difficult for the large number of students to all run through, and it was made harder when Todoroki used ice to freeze some of the front runners in place. He looked back to see who had made it through, and was unsurprised when he saw his classmates getting past.

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