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HERE IT IS, ITS FINALLY HERE, I'VE FINALLY DONE IT, I'VE FINISHED IT! Ahem, anyways, yeah, sorry about the wait for this one everyone, been pretty busy, and even I'm annoyed with how long it took to finish this chapter. But it's done now, so, enjoy.

"Tell me, are you sure about this plan," The first holder of OFA, Yoichi, asked.

"I'm sure, and, I know how horribly wrong it can all go, but if this works, it'll mean victory."

"But you'll most likely die," Nana told him with worry."

"Well, yeah, but I'm a hero, and heroes are always putting their lives on the line. There's no way I can just hide and not help."

Mirio ran forward, Many pro heroes charging right alongside him. It was time for the final battle, and he knew that no matter what, he had to defeat Shigaraki, or rather, AFO. If he didn't, not only would he be attacked again and again by the villain, but he knew that as long as AFO was free, there wouldn't truly be peace, and there were others that would be targeted, especially if Shigaraki's hate managed to influence him.

After endless searching, they were able to find the location of AFO, who had chosen to hole up in a large abandoned facility in the woods. From what little information they were able to gather before the hero who found this place was killed, this place was guarded by not only the few Nomu that were still alive, but by villains who joined the League.

And with the amount of heroes that had quit in the ongoing chaos, and with the amount of lives lost, it was going to take everything they had just to clear the way to AFO. But this was going to be their last chance. If they failed here, then it would all be over, there wouldn't be enough forces left to fight back against AFO's takeover. The only forces left standing would be a handful of heroes, and the heroes in training from around Japan, none of whom except Mirio were taking part in this final push. And the only way he had been able to join the ranks of this mission, was his strength that set him at the top, including the top pros before the current collapse, but also the fact that he was the main target of AFO, and even if he stayed out of this mission, he wouldn't be safe.

As they moved in, all heroes converging on this base, they did what they could to capture and take down any and all villains on the way, with varying degrees of success.

Mirio was snapped out of his thoughts as he heard a crashing sound up ahead. He looked forward and saw a group of villains charging at him and the other heroes. Without any hesitation, Mirio charged forward at full speed, launching himself at the villains while pulling back an arm. "SMAAAAAASH!!!!!" Thanks to OFA, he delivered a punch so strong that both the blow and the wind sent multiple villains flying. "Get out of my way, I won't be stopped here, I can't." Mirio kept running forward, blowing away the villains that got in his way, charging straight for the building, thinking only AFO.

Suddenly, a large blast of fire came from one side, while a chunk of ice the size of a car came flying at him from either side, but he phased through them before launching forward from the ground. From behind, he heard some heroes saying that they'd hold them off, and so, without even glancing at his attackers, he kept running. Without bothering to go through the doors, he leapt up through the air up to the third floor and punched a hole through the wall.

"My, to think that'd you be able to get to me so quickly... could this be a coincidence... or perhaps fate."

Mirio looked up, and standing right there in front of him was AFO and Shigaraki. "AFO!!! I'm going to finish you off here and now!!!!!"

"Oh~, don't you mean you're here to lock me up, hero?"

Aizawa looked around himself, the violence, the destruction, all of it on an even higher scale than the hospital raid he was in just a few days ago. He ran around, his leg fine despite him cutting it off thanks to Eri's power. That power of hers, the power that they spent months developing, it was going to change the world, for as long as she had enough power charged up, she'd be able to rewind time on people, healing their wounds as if they never happened.

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