4.Hero's Rivalry

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There was silence, the revelation that Izuku had gotten into the top hero school without a quirk being a surprising one. Then came an explosion of sound as his classmates all began talking at one.

"Making it in and aiming for the top even without a quirk. That's so manly!"

"Yeah, I have to admit, it's pretty rocking."

"Amazing, I didn't even see you draw the sword or strike. That and the time you saved me from that giant robot during the exam, you must have trained so much."

"Yes, indeed. In fact, before the exam I asked why he had swords, and I too was surprised."

"Wait, are you saying he fought the giant zero pointer during the exam? That's so cool!"

"Hmmph, all he did was swing a wooden stick, yet the ladies seem so interested."


Why Mineta, why?

"Dammit Deku, what the hell was that?! Was that what you've been doing for these last few months?!"

"Alright that's enough, let's get back to the tests," Aizawa called out, silencing everyone. "Unless you want me to expel you all already."

Having heard that, the class quickly got quiet and got back to doing the tests, but Izuku could still feel their eyes on him. He knew they had questions and wanted to talk, but he was not completely sure about what. Whenever he revealed that he was quirkless before, he was met with ridicule and disdain, used to being seen as worthless by most. But other than Bakugou and the grape headed boy, everyone didn't seem like that. They seemed to admire him.

The last two tests, sit ups, and sit and reach, were quite easy. Sit ups were a normal part of his usual training so that was easy and the last one was also easy because his training also made him a bit more flexible.

Finally, it was all over and Aizawa was going to show the results. "Moving along, time for the results." He pressed a button and a holographic display popped up next to him. Izuku didn't think he came in last but he still looked there just in case. But the person in last was a person calle Minoru Mineta. After looking around, he found his name in twelfth place. "Now then, Mineta, you're out. The rest of you, get back to class."

After that, Aizawa walked off, leaving the class alone. Mineta was already walking away, and some might have tried to console him normally, but they weren't able to hold back anymore and began asking Izuku questions.

"Woah woah woah, hold on, I can't tell what you guys are saying. One at a time, please."

"So are you really quirkless," asked a boy with two colored hair.

"Uh, yeah. I have no reason to lie about that."

"Where did you learn to use a sword like that," a girl with dark green hair asked. "I didn't even see you draw it."

"It was that old man, wasn't it," Bakugou interrupted. Everyone looked at him confused, except Izuku who knew who he was talking about. "Ever since that day, you've been different. He must have got someone to teach you for some reason. You may have gotten in somehow, but all that time training will be wasted, because no matter what, you'll always be a useless Deku. It's only a matter of time before you get kicked out."

"Woah, not cool bro," said a guy with spiky red hair.

"Listen, I don't care what you think about me," izuku told him. "And I know I was weak and pitiful back then, I mean, I can't believe I used to look up to someone like you. And Zatoichi sensei didn't find someone to teach me, he taught me himself."

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