3.A Hero's First Day

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Izuku was at Zatoichi's dojo, kneeling with the old man himself doing the same in front of him. "I did it Sensei, just like you said. I passed the entrance exam and am on my way to becoming the first quirkless hero."

"Heh, of course you passed. I taught you personally. Don't tell me you thought my teachings wouldn't have been enough for you."

"No, of course. I was just worried, after all, no one has heard of a quirkless person becoming a hero."

"Well you are not like most people, you are my student. And now, about future training. For now, your training with me will be put on hold."

"What! But Sensei-."

"No. For now, further improve your own technique, and do not forget to train your body as well. You never know when you'll be unable to use your sword and must be prepared. Besides, you've been spending so much time here these last few months that I haven't had much time with the missus."

"Don't lie to him," came an elderly woman's voice. Izuku turned to the door at the end of the dojo and saw Zatoichi's wife, Rika. "You were planning to go on a trip with those friends of yours."

"Aw crap. My hearing is better than people who can actually see, but she always seems to be able to sneak up on me," Zatoichi muttered. "Um, what are you doing here honey, I thought you were at the store."

"I did go, I finished, and now I'm back. Now how dare you say you're putting his training on hold because you wanted to spend time with me when you're just going to go take part in a poker tournament in Tokyo. And then I'm guessing when you do finally got back, you were going to just sit around and listen to comedians on TV."

"Hey, when you can't see, normal shows aren't as good. Besides, there's nothing wrong with wanting to have some me time."

"You'll get your me time when you're dead. Now Izuku dear, it's getting late. Have you had dinner yet?"

"Yes mam, I finished eating right before I got my acceptance letter."

"Well that's good. Though how about I make you some dessert for you to take home and eat with your mother."

"That'll be nice, I appreciate it."

"Ohh, what are you going to make," Zatoichi asked. 

"You're not getting any, think of it as punishment for trying to use your own wife for a lie like that."

Zatoichi frowned and muttered, "Sour old bat."

"What was that?"


Izuku smiled as he watched them. Zatoichi always acted tough and was not afraid to speak his mind. But once his wife got involved, he acted like a small school kid afraid of getting scolded by their mother. "Well then Sensei, I guess that's my cue to leave. Have fun at your poker tournament. Wait, how're you going to play poker if you can't see?"

"Every man has secrets they must keep. Like this one for instance, because if Rika found out then she would find a way to stop it and then I won't be able to play poker anymore."

"I see. Well then, thank you again for training me, I can't wait for training to resume and you can help me grow stronger."

"And thank you for being an excellent student."

Later, on the first day of UA. Izuku stood in front of the door to class 1-A. "So this is it," Izuku thought. "Once I enter this room, I'll be among the elites from among that group from the exam. I hope Bakugou won't be in this class, because I know that even after making it in, he'll still see me as weak."

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