37.Joint Hero Training

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"Even though it was a dream, I remember it clear as day," Mirio said. "I saw the events that happened long ago, when AFO gave his brother the quirk that would later become OFA. And then it ended, with all of my predecessors looking at me."

"So instead of a dream, it seems more like a memory," Izuku muttered. They were all back at UA, the events on the island behind them, and they were now discussing OFA.

"Indeed, I've seen such things as well," All Might told him. "My master told me it was tracers from the previous generations."

"But it wasn't only a memory, after seeing him get the quirk, that memory ended and the first began speaking to me. It's almost as if OFA has a will of its own. And he told me something about some kind of point of singularity."

"Well that singularity thing might be you gaining access to the other quirks. As for it having a will, perhaps it's not that the quirk itself has a will, but instead, the wills of the previous users. Almost as if they're living within it. I don't really know, but what I do know is that we should look into this multiple quirk business."

"I've already begun doing what I can to gather information on the previous wielders and their quirks."

"That's good, once you get that, I can go ahead and analyze the data, try and help Mirio get a handle on them. Though, how are you going to explain how you're constantly gaining new quirks? I think the best way might be to say it's some kind of energy manipulation or whatever. That you're using it to let you pass through objects, enhance your physical abilities, gather it as tendrils to grab things."

"That might end up being our best bet."

"Young Midoriya, don't you have a training exercise this afternoon."

"Ah, you're right, I had gotten so caught up in all this! Crap, I better get going!" Midoriya left the room and found Aizawa talking with Shinsou as they walked down the hall. "Oh, hey there you two!"


"Midoriya, hurry and get suited up already!"

"Ah, sorry!" Izuku ran off. Once he was suited up, he reported to field gamma where the rest of his class was, all of them in the winter version of their outfits.

"Wow Deku, you already got that suit fixed up from the fight," Uraraka asked.

"Actually, it turns out that Hatsume and Melissa were already working on a second, saying they knew I'd probably end up breaking the other, and so this way, I would still have a suit while the broken one is being repaired."

"Yeah, that sounds about right."

"Not you too!"

"Shut up already, Deku, Round Face!"

"No you, Kacchan!"

"Oy oy, quite the relaxed vibe I'm getting from you guys," Monoma said as walked over with the rest of his class. "You wouldn't be underestimating us, now would you? Class A, today will be the day we settle things, in our first ever joint training battle!!! We will- gehh."

Aizawa shut up the obnoxious blonde by literally choking him with his scarf. "Shut up," he said as he loosened the scarf and freed Monoma. As he did, Vlad King walked over with another student following behind.

"Today, we will be having a special guest. He's trying to transfer into the hero department. Hitoshi Shinsou from class C."

"Hey there man!"


"Wow, hey, is he wearing a scarf like Aizawa and Izuku," someone asked.

"Yeah, though the mask is original," another muttered.

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