36.Heroes Rising Pt.1

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"I still can't believe that you talked to the Pussy Cats like tht man," Kaminari laughed.

"Drop it already, it was a month ago man!"

Class 1-A was currently doing the very thing Aizawa had talked to them about a month ago. They were all on Nabu island, a peaceful place where they were doing hero work as a temporary hero agency. They weren't the only ones either. The hero course students of UA were working like this were either none or an insufficient amount of actual pros were available. During the time, they were working as heroes with no immediate supervision. This was also to train the next generation of heroes to help fill in the gap left behind by the retirement of All Might.

"Kaminari," Mina called out. "Head to the west district. Mr.Matsuda's battery died again."

"Seriously! He should just get a new one already."

"Go get him Charge Bolt."

"I'm on it."

Everyone has been working and serving the community however they can. Shouji kept watch as a lifeguard at the beach, with Tsu and Sato helping doing any actual needed rescues. Koda found missing animals. Wherever they could, they helped... except Bakugou. He hadn't done anything, wanting to only take on a job only if it meant fighting villains.

"Lost child in the shopping center, is there anyone available to come help and look," Uraraka asked.

"Hard pass," Bakugou said, not bothering to look up from the magazine he was reading.

"Right, because you're really busy Bakugou," Kirishima laughed. "Count me in."

"Oh yeah, and how's your damn quirk supposed to help?"


"Sounds like I'm up," Jiro said.

"I'm free to help as well, do we have a description of what the child looks like," Izuku asked. Going outside, Izuku put a life persevere ring around his waist while Uraraka folate herself and Jiro before the two grabbed onto the ring. "Alright, time to move out!" Powering up his leg gear, Izuku ran forward, running at high speeds while also carrying the girls around. They started at the shopping center where the child was reportedly last seen and moved from there. They asked around and also used Jiro's quirk to help in the search. "Hmm, where could he be. Actually, it hasn't been too long since the call was made, yet he doesn't seem to be anywhere near the shopping center. Maybe now's a good time to try it out." Izuku pulled his visor down before taking something from his utility belt and pressing a button on it, causing the device to transform. As it did so, Izuku tossed it into the air, and as soon as it was complete, it hovered.

"Oh yeah, that drone would be helpful for this," Uraraka said. "Good thing you've been practicing with it so much."

"Yep, after all, we've been here for a month, no way I was going to waste the time I wasn't helping the citizens just sitting around." Through his visor, he was able to see through the camera of the drone as it went out in search of the missing child. Switching the view to thermal vision, Izuku was able to avoid searching in places that either had absolutely no one or where there were no children anywhere. And then, he saw two children atop a hill at a small playground who looked to be brother and sister. And the younger boy seemed to match the description of the missing child given to them by their older sister. And not only could he see with the drone, but also hear. Sighing, Izuku motioned for the two to head back to their "agency", and he also recalled the drone.

A few minutes later, Izuku walked onto the playground with a small bag in hand. "Hey there, is your name Katsuma?" The girl from before wasn't there anymore, or at least that's how it would look to some, but Izuku could see her hiding atop one of the slides. "Is your name Katsuma Shimano?"

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