19.Hero Returning Home

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"You know, as much as I would like to say this was an enjoyable trip, it definitely could have been better," Izuku said. "Especially if I didn't have to spend most of it in the hospital."

"Well if you weren't such a crazy person and challenge a person armed with a gun and quirk that can manipulate metal with nothing but your shoes, it might not have been as bad," Melissa told him.

"And what, just let him kill you and everyone else? No thank you.Really, I'm just thankful that Recovery Girl came to I-Island. Though her efforts might be wasted, because my mother might kill me for doing something reckless like fighting a large group of villains controlling a tower with my friends, or completely injure me again with a giant worried hug. And then there's Sensei's wife, Rika."

"What about your Sensei himself?"

"Nah, he'll probably be proud I acted so selflessly and all that. That's actually kind of the reason he started teaching me in the first place."

"I see. Well I'm just glad you're safe now."

"Safe? What are you talking about. In a couple days I'm going to go to a freaking bootcamp with Eraserhead. Though I guess that's just the world balancing things out."

"How so?"

"Well you said you wanted to work with me right? You know, create gear and all that. And then I told you about Hatsume, called her up, and now you're going to work together. I'm flattered, honestly I am, but I'm also safer. Because it's actually normal for her stuff to blow up sometimes. So that's what I mean by safer. I'm less likely to randomly blow up in battle."

"I see, certainly sounds interesting."

"If only it was just interesting."

"Hey you two, wrap it up, we gotta go soon," Mirio called out.

"Well you heard him, time for me to go. Take care Melissa."

"You too Deku, and hey, maybe when I've graduated, I can start working with you officially."

"Ooh, the quirkless wonders, the amazing duo of hero and inventor. Kinda has a nice ring to it."

Melissa pushed him playfully. "Alright, enough with the jokes, you need to get going already. And don't push yourself too hard. At the rate you're going, you'll lose a limg or something and I'll have to replace it."

Izuku chuckled as he turned and began walking away, raising a hand in farewell. "Well then, if that does happen, you will be the first person I come to, so have something ready."

"Hey, don't go planning to lose something!"

Izuku laughed, glancing at her one final time. "Until we meet again!" Izuku joined Mirio and All Might before heading to the private jet that had brought them there.

"Until we meet again," Melissa whispered to herself.

"So you and Melissa," Mirio said, elbowing Izuku.

"Hey now, don't start."

"I don't know, you two seemed awfully close," All Might added, a hand held thoughtfully under his chin.

"Yeah, well you and Dave were close, and it's not like there was anything going on. Was there?"

"Where did such a question pop up from Young Midoriya."

"Oh I'm not done with questions. For example. You still haven't told me what danger comes with the secret."

All Might's usual smile turned into a small frown. "Ah that. Yes, you have a right, no, you need to know. Because you're getting dragged further and further into this."

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