27.Hero's Exam

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Izuku walked through the school gates, but stopped when he saw two figures waiting for him there. "Can I help you two with something?"

"Monoma here has something he needs to tell you," Kendo answered. "Isn't that right, Monoma?"

"Heh, I don't see the reason I sh- ouch!" Izuku raised an eyebrow, unsure of what to make of the entire thing. "Fine. I'm sorry about talking about your dead Sensei, it was insensitive of m- ouch! What!? I apologized!"

"Yeah, terribly!"

It all clicked in place as Izuku realized what was happening. He shook his head and walked past them. "Don't bother, there's no need for an apology. Besides, not like I'd ever expect an honest one from Monoma."

"What's that supposed to me! Are you looking down on me class A elitist!"


Izuku began laughing, stopping and looking back at them as he did so. "You know, I'm curious. Why do you hate my class so much? You say we look down on you, but the only one who would do something like that is Bakugou, and he certainly doesn't speak for the rest of us. Well, it doesn't matter, not like you're the first person to talk badly to me, nor will you be the last. It's a simple fact that people will look down on me for my lack of a quirk." Izuku began walking off again. "So yeah, doesn't matter. I just hope that maybe one day people really begin to understand that simple truth and recognize my hard work." Izuku walked down the pathway, heading towards the dorms. As he approached the large building, he noticed two figures by the steps, a small smile lightening his features. "Hey you two, what are you doing out here, there was no need to wait for me to come back."

"What are you talking about Deku, of course we were going to wait for you. We're your friends, we're here for you."

"Uraraka is right Midoriya, as your friends, it is only right that we are here for you in your time of need."

Iida and Uraraka walked over to him and the two of them pulled him into a hug, and he returned the gesture. "Thanks guys." And then he couldn't hold it in any longer. He never truly mourned Zatoichi's death. He tried to avoid the grief and sadness, he threw himself into his studies and training, but there was no avoiding it forever. He began sobbing uncontrollably, holding on to his friends as if his life depended on it. He let it all out, unable to stop now that he had started, and they stayed like that for a few minutes. But eventually, the tears and sobs died down as he began calming down. "I'm thankful to have met friends like you."

"Don't mention it, Deku."


They went inside, and instead of food having been set aside for when he returned, everyone waited for him to return so they could eat together, even bakugou who usually went to sleep at 8 no matter what. In that moment, Izuku felt truly blessed, and even more grateful for his Sensei. Without him, he doubted he would have been where he was today, surrounded by such good friends. Though that thought made him miss the old man even more, he also felt more determined. Determined to get stronger, to show the world and all those who doubted him that Zatoichi had wasted no time training him. He was determined to use both what the techniques taught to him, and the talent Izuku never knew he had before.

A couple of days have passed since then and class A were currently getting off a bus at Takoba National Stadium in order to take their provisional licence exams. The class were currently in a huddle, mentally preparing themselves and shouted the school motto, when a stranger joined in.

"It's not good to insert yourself in other people's huddles Inasa," one of his classmates said.

The person gasped, and then quickly performed a dramatized bow so low, his forehead slammed into the ground. "Please accept my humblest apologies!"

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