22.Hero Camp Ruined

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"How, even with all the precautions," Mineta cried. "How... How're there villains here!!!"

"Pixiebob," Izuku shouted. Before the group of students and heroes, two villains stood, Pixiebob laying unmoving under what looked like a large wrapped up pole wielded by one of the two villains. That villain was a large person, with big lips and sunglasses despite it being night. The other was a lizard man with blades strapped on his body, including a large wrapped up one on his back. Part of the woods was burning with blue flames, while another section had a large swirling dome of gas. Then Izuku realized something. "These Are obviously not the only ones! Where's Kota?"

Izuku heard Mandalay in his head, sending a telepathic message to everyone that villains were attacking the camp. "Pleased to meet you students of UA," the lizard villain greeted. "We are the League of Villains Vanguard Action Squad."

"League of Villains, how did they find us," Ojiro muttered.

"Should I go ahead and crush this one's pretty little head," the other villain asked.

"As if I'd let you," Tiger growled.

"Don't be so hasty big sister Mag, you too Tiger, calm down. Holding power over someone's life is everything. It wouldn't do to kill someone who could be worthy, or do you not believe in the teachings of Stain?"

"You're a follower of Stain," Iida gasped.

"Yes I sure am, and I know about you four-eyes. You were one of the ones there when Stain was defeated in Hosu. Let me introduce myself, I am Spinner." Spinner reached up and grabbed the large sword, the cloth unraveling revealing it to be a large number of smaller varying blades held together. "And I will be the one to carry out his will!"

Izuku began to reach behind him to where the carrier with Melissa inventions were, but stopped. He knew he wouldn't be allowed to fight the villains in front of him. Besides, he knew there was something more important that he had to do.

"I don't care what your reasons are," Tiger shouted. "That woman lying there is searching and trying so hard to find love, to enjoy happiness as a woman in this world. How dare you harm her like that and stand there like it was nothing."

"Heroes have no need to find joy! A hero is someone who sacrifices in order to save people!" Lizard began running forward while Tiger took a fighting stance.

"Everyone , get out of here, and don't fight the villains," Mandalay shouted.

"Iida, lead them to safety," Izuku yelled as he ran off on his own. "Not that my position really matters that much right now, but as class president, I order to get everyone out of here! Mandalay! I know where Kota is! I'm going to get him!" And with that, Izuku disappeared into the trees, no one getting a chance to say anything to stop him.

He ran as fast as he possibly could, and when he arrived, he saw Kota standing in front of a large cloaked man. He jumped forward and tackled Kota out of the way as the man swung his fist down, the two avoiding the blow. If they hadn't they would be dead or at least badly injured, the attack having thrown up a dust cloud and cracking the ground.

"Hmm, now you... you were on the list," The man whispered.

Izuku glanced at the man before glancing back at Koda. "Crap, I didn't tell anybody where this was, so there won't be any backup coming this time. I'm all alone, I have to take this villain on alone while protecting Kota. I don't know if I can or not, but I wouldn't be here if I was afraid of challenging such odds." Izuku stood up and turned to Kota, speaking to him in as calm a voice as possible. "Kota, it's going to be okay now. I'll create an opening so you'll be able to escape, but until then, I will protect you."

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