12.Heroes in Hosu

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"So Izuku," Zatoichi started. "About your hero name."

"What about it?"

Both teacher and student were sitting right outside the dojo during a break from training. "Why would you pick something like that? Why Deku of all things?"

"Well, I guess that is understandable. I mean, if I had given it more thought then I'm sure I could have come up with something else. But, sometimes, a hero's name is like a message, it can show people the kind of person you are and what you stand for. And it was you yourself who told me to remember my roots. I believe my name will show that despite starting at the bottom, I can still do amazing things."

"Heh, well if you say so. Him, yes, you're right, it can send a message like that. However, I would have expected something different. Especially considering the significance it holds for you. Actually I was more surprised when I heard the little lady calling you that. Is she actually some kind of bully who is putting on some kind of act?"

"What, no! She's actually the opposite, she's very nice, a wonderful person. She says that she likes the sound of Deku, that to her it sounds like you can do it."

"Oh, she said that did she? Hehehe."

"Uh, what are you chuckling about?"

"Oh don't mind me, but it certainly sounds like you hold her in a high regard. And it seems like what she said played at least a little part in you deciding to have Deku be your name."

"U-uh, yeah, I guess so. Ok, seriously, where are you going with this?"

Zatoichi placed a hand on Izuku's shoulder. "Boy, she certainly seems to be a great one. I wish you luck. I'd also give you some tips, but apparently my style only gets you some troublesome women."

"And what does that mean," Rika asked from behind them.

Zatoichi sat up straight, his expression a perfect poker face. "Oh dear, what are you doing here? I thought you were shopping."

"I already finished. So then, don't let me stop you. Go on, finish your conversation with Izuku."

Zatoichi slowly stood up. "Oh, would you look at the time. Come Izuiu, it's time to get back to work."

Rika grabbed him by the ear. "Oh no, it's not that easy to get away. However, Izuku, as foolish as my husband is, there is some truth to his words. Uraraka is just darling, and I know she'd treat you right."

"Um, thank you mam, but she's just a friend."

"Oh that doesn't matter. Relationships have to start somewhere."

"Yeah, like how I met you in line at the store."

"Ah yes, memories. Sometimes I wonder if I really needed that candy bar."

"Wait, dear! Why would you say that?"

"Well that's true mam, but honestly she really is just a friend. She is a nice person, but I'm sure she could do better. Besides, I don't think she'd like someone like me in any other way than a friend."

"Oh, does this mean you have feelings for her but doubt yourself," the old couple said together.

"It's not like that ok. Now if you'll excuse me, as Sensei said it's time to get back to training." Izuku got up and began walking away.

"Wait, Izuku! Don't just leave me behind. Come on, save me! Save meeeeeeee!"

"Oh hush, you're a grown man not a baby, so just accept your punishment for badmouthing your kind and loving wife."

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