30.Hero In The Right

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The day after being accepted by Night Eye for the internship, Izuku was back with Mirio. "Today we'll split into pairs, Bubble Girl and myself, Mirio and Midoriya," said Night Eye.

"Surveillance," Izuku asked.

"The Night Eye agency is currently in the middle of an investigation," Bubble Girl explained.

"A small Yakuza group known as the Eight Precepts of Death. Their leader is named Chisaki, and he has been up to something recently."

"Yakuza, but what little remaining Yakuza are pretty docile these days aren't they?"

"Yeah, because of the destruction of their lifestyle in the past, but Chisaki has been getting them back together again. And recently, he made contact with the League of Villains, but we are unsure about what exactly transpired during that meeting. However, we have been unable to gather any evidence of anything criminal, and because of that the Eight Precepts cannot be treated as a criminal organization yet."

"That is why we are currently conducting an investigation on them, to uncover the necessary evidence. If there are no more questions, you are dismissed."

"Yes sir!"

Suited up in their hero costumes, Izuku and Mirio left and began patrolling while Night Eye and Bubble Girl did the actual investigating. They were chatting as they walked around, when a small girl ran out of the alleyway they were walking by and bumped into Izuku, falling down.

Izuku knelt down and offered a hand to the girl, scrutinizing her and the bandages covering her arms and legs. "Oh I'm sorry, are you hurt?"

"We mustn't be causing problems for heroes," came a voice from the alley.Izuku looked up at the owner of the voice, and while his face seemed calm, internally he was surprised and a little worried. For standing in front of him was the very person the Night Eye agency was investigating. Chisaki. "Now then, let's go home now Eri. I apologize for my daughter heroes, she gets carried away with her games sometimes and can be such a troublemaker.

"We should be the ones apologizing," Mirio told him with a smile. "That mask, you're one of those eight precept guys right? You're pretty well known around here."

"Pay no attention to the mask, I'm just sensitive to dirt. You know, this is the first time I've seen you two around here, are you rookies?"

"That's right, we're both rookies but we're giving it our all! Hey get up partner, we have to get back to work."

"What hero agency are you associated with?"

"We're still students, we're just patrolling as a part of field training. Now if you'll excuse us, we have to finish this area up by noon, come on, let's get going."

"Right," Izuku answered. But as he began to stand up, the girl gripped his clothes tightly with a scared look on her face.

"Please... don't go."

"Sir, your daughter, she seems to be pretty frightened by something."

"It's because I just scolded her earlier, which is also the reason she was running."

"But you said that was because she was playing. And these bandages, they don't seem like they're for the type of wound you'd get from just playing around."

"She happens to get hurt a lot while playing."

"A little girl like this, shaking and frightened without saying a word, that doesn't seem very normal to me."

"Don't impose your idea of normal on others."

"Yes, there are all types out there after all."

Without looking away from the villain in front of him, Izuku could tell what Mirio was thinking. That he should drop it, that he's getting annoyed from his prying. But Izuku also knew it would be more suspicious if they just let it go. Because while they may be students, once they donned their costumes in the streets, they were heroes. "What are you doing to this girl?"

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