7.A Hero's Duty

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"For the foundational skill of heroics we'll be studying today, it was decided you'll be supervised by a three man team with me, All Might, and someone else," Aizawa told everyone.

"What will we be studying today, sensei," Sero asked.

"Today will be rescue training."

"Hmm, it sounds like it might be a bit difficult," Kaminari told Mina.


"Come on man, helping people is what a hero's whole job is," Kirishima told him. "I'm totally fired up for it."

"Don't get ahead of yourselves," Aizawa said, reigning everyone in. "Now then, this time it is entirely up to you if you want to wear your costume or not. The training area is fairly far away so we will be heading there by bus. That is all, so go and get yourselves prepared already."

A few minutes later. Class 1-A gathered outside the bus that would be taking them to the USJ. "Alright everyone, on the bus, let's go," Izuku called out to everyone. He had chosen to wear his costume and bring along his swords for the rescue training.

"Excuse, as class president, should you not have us all enter the bus orderly and in order," Iida asked.

Izuku sighed inwardly at Iida's strict and uptight personality. "Attention passengers, please enter the vehicle in a calm and orderly fashion. Do not worry about order and seat number as they do not truly matter. Inside you will find seats that you sit down. If you have any questions, then please find the nearest attendant and they'll answer your questions."

A couple of his classmates chuckled as they began boarding the bus. Izuku ended up sitting next to Uraraka and Asui. "I generally say what's on my mind Midoriya," Asui told him.

"Oh, what is it Asui?"

"Call me Tsu. What you are trying to do seems impossible. Though I do recognize that you are quite talented, don't you think it'd be hard trying to be a hero without a quirk. Some villains you won't be able to take down with sword skills alone."

Izuku's cheerful expression he usually wore changed into a more serious one. "Wow, you weren't kidding. You do speak your mind, that was pretty blunt. So let me make myself clear with my own blunt words. I don't care if you think it's impossible, I will do it. BY telling me what I can't do you're showing me your limitations, not mine. I know a sword can't solve everything, I never said that swordsmanship isn't my only skill."

"Then why did you bring your swords for rescue training?"

"Swords aren't the solution to everything, but they can certainly be to many things. In the hands of a novice, they are simply things used to harm others for one reason or another, or to threaten someone. In talented hands, they serve as tools that obeys the wielders will."

"I guess so, but even with other skills it'll be hard."

"Come on Tsu," Kirishima said. "I think what he's doing is pretty amazing. My quirk isn't that amazing and others can do the same with armor, but I'm still going to become a hero."

"Don't say that Kirishima, I think your quirk is pretty amazing," Izuku told him "Though speaking of armor, I should probably get some. I won't always be able to avoid attacks like during the battle trial. I'll have to see about putting in a request to have some made."

"Well monsieur Kirishima certainly has a point," Aoyama pointed out. "A pro hero must also worry about popularity. My naval laser is both strong and eye catching, perfect for a pro."

"As long as you don't blow up your own stomach," Mina laughed. "I think that it'll definitely be hard, but I think you can do it Midoriya. You seem really strong. And once you do become a hero, I think you'll become pretty popular. I mean, taking down bad guys without a quirk is pretty amazing."

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