28.Heroes Rejoined

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Izuku and everyone else who was a part of the exam changed back into their school uniforms. After that they headed over to where they would get their results, letting them know whether or not they passed. They arrived at the designated area, finding a platform with a big screen on it, and the announcer stood there, explaining how they were evaluated. He told them that they examined both the quality and nature of the examinees performance, and used a point deduction system. Anyone who fell below fifty points instantly failed, and there was no way to gain those points back. Then the screen turned on, showing the names of those that passed. Izuku looked up and saw his name which didn't surprise him much, but then he noticed something that did. Todoroki and Bakugou's names weren't up there. Though all things considered, it made sense. Todoroki did pick a fight with Inasa who also failed, and Bakugou was Bakugou. The rest of the class may consider them to be some of the best out of them first years at UA, but they still failed, something Mineta enjoyed pointing out. The exam committee handed out handouts that gave a detailed description of how they did, why they lost points, and how much they lost for each one.

"Oh man, I barely scraped by with a 61," Ojiro complained.

"Wow Momo, you have 94 points," Jirou exclaimed.

"How'd you do Iida," Izuku asked.

"80 points. Overall, I guess it feels like I wasn't able to apply everything that I have learned. What about you Midoriya?"

"I got 89 points, looks like not hesitating and going straight into the battle before my lack of rescue training was made more obvious was a good thing."

"I see, a good performance, as expected of you. It just shows that I was right to vote for you to become our class president, I could tell that you were clearly suited to this work since the entrance exam."

"Hey now, no need to flatter me so much. Like I've told you before, I didn't figure out anything that day, I just acted."

"And that is even more commendable, for instead of focusing on your own score in the exam, you moved to protect another. You truly are destined to become a great hero."

Izuku smiled, happy to hear his friend's words, but before he could say anything back to him, he was interrupted by the announcer as he cleared his throat. He gave a speech about the collapsing trust in heroes and the current system, stating that they will set a new standard. Then he said something that surprised them. He told all of those that had failed the second portion of the exam would be given another chance, that they would be given extra classes before finally earning their licenses. When he heard this, Todoroki told his class that he would soon catch up to them, Mineta complaining and saying he should give up and that the hierarchy had already crumbled, but everyone ignored him. After that, they all gathered on the bus and headed back to UA, everyone ready to celebrate when they got back.

Izuku had been chatting with Uraraka and Iida, but had left to get himself a drink when Bakugou walked past him. "Deku, come outside later."

And that was how, after everyone else was asleep, Izuku ended up following Bakugou as he led him away from their dorms. "Hey, where are you taking me, we shouldn't be out here this late. Hey." Bakugou ignored him, not saying a single word to him the entire time they walked, and realizing this, Izuku stopped talking as well. They walked for a few minutes before bakugou stopped. "This place, why did you bring me to ground beta?"

"This is the place where we fought for the first time, and I lost. All this time, just thinking about it made me sick to my stomach. You were a quirkless good for nothing weak little shit, but then you met that old man, and you got accepted into UA and became stronger. And ever since then, you've been wearing this self satisfied look while growing more, and more, and more, the whole goddamn time. And now, you got your provisional licence while I failed."

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