17.I-Island Hero Pt.2

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"Wow, you have experience working with pro heroes," Melissa asked. She had led them all to a cafe and was currently sitting with the girls and listened to them while they talked about their week long internships. Meanwhile, Izuku and Mirio sat at a separate table. 

"It was really just training for me really," Uraraka told her.

"And while I did help with an incident, all I did was evacuate people," said Jiro.

"That's still amazing."

"Somehow I ended up being in a TV commercial," Yaoyorozu muttered.

"Well it sounds interesting. I mean, you can't normally do that."

"Well looks like whatever misunderstanding they might have had has been cleared up now," Izuku muttered.

"Hehe, sorry. That's probably my bad. They must have seen you two alone together and thought you had some kind of secret girlfriend," Mirio told him.

"Hah, no way, I highly doubt that."

A waiter came up to their table and set down two drinks. "Sorry for the wait."

"Wait, that voice." Izuku looked up. "Kaminari!" Then he noticed another familiar face next to him. "And Mineta!"

"What're you doing here," Jiro asked. 

"They need some extra staff for the expo so we applied. Right Mineta?"

"Yeah, we can see the expo on our breaks, and also get paid. And we might even have a wonderful chance encounter with the hottie that are attending." Mineta stopped talking when he and Kaminari noticed Melissa.

They both turned to Izuku, but before they could try to play anything or get any closer, Izuku flicked an ice cube at each of their faces. "I already know where this is going and no," Izuku told them.

"Are they also in your class," Melissa asked.

"Why, yes we are."

"Unfortunately," Jiro sighed.

"Hey, don't be like that," the two whined.

Before they could say anything else, a familiar voice started yelling at them. "Why are you two slacking off? You wanted to make more money didn't you? But you're not willing to work for it?"

Izuku turned to see Iida running towards them at high speed. "Iida, what are you doing here."

Iida gave the two a light scolding for slacking off when they were supposed to be working, before turning around to address Izuku's question. "As for why I am here, I come from a long line of heroes. It's to be expected that we received an invitation to the expo, but my family was busy. So it's just me."

"I wondered if you would be here," Yaoyorozu said. "I received an invitation because my father is a shareholder in some of the expo sponsor companies. It's so fun to get to go to the preview."

"Yeah," Jirou agreed. "And she had a couple of plus ones so me and the rest of the girls pretty much gambled for them. And so after a partial game of chance the two of us ended up joining the fun as her guest," she said leaning an arm on Uraraka, who nodded.

"The other girls are here, they just can't visit the preview," said Uraraka.

"Yeah we plan on seeing the expo with them tomorrow when it opens up to the public," Yaoyorozu said.

"Hey, if you want, I can show you around the expo tomorrow," Melissa said.

The three girls cheered, and the perverted duo asked to go to, but were interrupted by the sound of an explosion. When the group arrived at the source they were standing at a stadium with a giant rock in the middle and on a screen was yet another familiar face. Again.

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