18.I-Island Hero Pt.3

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Melissa led them down the stairs arriving a floor above the room with an open balcony that overlooked it, and everyone was shocked at what they saw. The party had been taken hostage. All heroes were tied up the rest kneeled on the ground. Around the room were villains armed with guns. One of which stood out as the boss, wearing a white coat and a mask. As they watched, some of his men dragged David and his assistant out of the room.

"No, where are they taking papa," Melissa whispered.

"Hey Jirou use your quirk to listen in," Izuku whispered. Jirou nodded, inserting her earphone jacks into the ground." As she did, Izuku made his way towards the edge to get a better view, seeing all Might right below them. As he was peeking over the edge, All Might happened to look up and noticed him. Izuku made a gesture for him to talk.

Seeing this, All Might began whispering under his breath. "If you can hear me, villains led by a man named Wolfram have taken over the tower. They've taken control of the security system and everyone on the island is a hostage. All the heroes have been captured as well. It's dangerous. Get away from here as soon as possible."

Jiro retracted her jacks and turned to Izuku, a worried expression on her face. "This is bad, Midoriya."

They retreated to the staircase with the others and Jiro relayed All Might's message. "We've received All Might's orders. I suggest we follow his instructions and escape this place."

"I agree with Iida's opinion," said Yaoyorozu. "We are still students. We cannot fight villains without licenses."

"Then we escape and tell the heroes outside," Kaminari suggested.

"I think it'd be hard to escape," Melissa told them. "This place is built with the same level of security as Tartarus, where the most dangerous villains are kept."

"So much for my idea. I guess all we can do now is wait for help."

"Aee you really okay with that," Jiro asked.

"What do you mean?"

"You don't feel like we should go help?"

"Hey, the villains even caught All Might," Mineta whined. "There's no way we can do this ourselves."

"We won't know until we try," Izuku said.

"We are trying to become heroes, are we not," Todoroki said.

"Yeah but we're still not allowed to work as heroes," Yaoyorozu told him.

Izuku and Mirio who were standing side by side looked at each other and nodded. "That's not completely true," Mirio told them. "For you see, I have a provisional license, and therefore, am allowed to work as a hero when necessary."

"And that law mostly means that you're not allowed to use your quirk on others, even villains. And seeing as I'm quirkless, it holds less sway over me. Besides, are you saying we shouldn't do the right thing and just sit by. Doesn't sound very heroic to me. Besides, who said we needed to fight all the villains to help. We take back control of the security system, and the pros can handle it from there. Any skills we bust on the way would only be in self defense."

"He's right," Melissa said. "If the villains have taken over, then all the passwords and locks must be disabled. We just need to go to the top floor, then, we should be able to save everyone."

"But how will we avoid the villains," Jiro asked.

"Considering they haven't found us yet, the villains must not be used to working with the security system."

"Avoid fighting and get the system back to normal huh," Todoroki muttered.

"Yeah, we can probably do it," Kaminari exclaimed.

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