chapter six

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"She is gone."

I turned my head to look at my guard who I sent to get mystery woman, I literally talked to her hours and I did not even ask her what her name is. "What do you mean she is gone?" I asked as I walked up to him.

He cleared his throat as he stood up straight "I went back to the booth but she is gone sir" He said, I looked over at Francis which made him wave at me. "Grab them and take them to a booth in the private section" I said as I walked away.

I walked back to the vip section and searched for mystery woman to see that she is in fact dumb. I made my way to the private section Luciano walked next to me on my left side and Alfonzo walked next to me on my right side as we walked into the booth Francis is in.

Here comes the bullshit.

You can not kill someone in the mafia without the king being present so I can't kill him, "Ahh Nicolas! Brother it's been a long time!" He said with his heavy accent.

I threw a knife at him which landed in his thigh, he muffled in a scream. I walked up to him which made his men walk up to me but my men grabbed them, I sighed as I pushed the knife deeper into his thigh making him scream.

"I am in a bad mood" I said as I pulled it out and shoved it into his other thigh "Why are you here?" I asked as I shoved the knife deeper. I really am trying to focus but with him screaming and mystery woman being gone it is very hard.

God what is this woman doing to me?

Francis is breathing heavy staring at me as if he is challenging me "You are in my club. My land. My territory. My fucking country. You are outnumbered. Go back to your country and your wife before you make me do something I shouldn't do." I said.

One of my men walked in nodding at me letting me know that they have cleared out the club. "Change is coming Nicolas, whether you are ready for it or not." He said.

"Whatever that means" I said as I waved my hand into the air making my men aim their gun at Francis's men and fire killing all of them. "You can leave now" I said as I walked away him.

He put his hands in the air as he forced himself to stand up he limped all the way out of the booth. I grabbed the whiskey bottle as I made my way outside of the club to see the sunrising meaning it's five am.

I walked over to my car unlocking it "There is something you have to see" Alfonzo said making me sigh as I locked my car and turned to face them. We walked over to the back of my club to see dead bodies.

"When was the don of the American mafia in my club and why was I not informed about his presence?" I asked as I looked at the words that were carved into their back.

"We do not even know what he looks like" Alfonzo said making me sigh, "I honestly don't care for this. Are they mine?" I asked and they shook their heads no.

"Find her and bring her to me" I said as I walked back to my car, I unlocked my car as I got inside. I sighed as I started it up and began to drive.

I opened up the whiskey as I began to speed, I have encountered many women in my lifetime and I have fucked many women in my lifetime but not one of them can even compare to how beautiful mystery woman is.

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