chapter forty two

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In the short time I have been with the love of my life, something that has been engraved into my brain is that she loves beaches, and beaches love her.

Angelina will go to a beach when she is sad, stressed, scared, upset, happy, excited, any emotion bad or not she will come to a beach just to sit in the sand or swim around.

Argentina has beaches that are very beautiful so I came to Argentina the same way I went to Greece, Italy, Los Angeles, Spain, and any other places I could think of that have beautiful beaches.

Was Angelina at any of those places? No.

I slumped myself down onto the couch I placed my elbows on my knees rubbing my face. I leaned back in my seat as I exhaled, I pulled my gun out of my waistband and cocked it.

What if she's dead? What if something has happened to her because I did not chase after her?

Alfonzo barged into the living room with his gun in the air pulling me into reality, I looked around to see that I am standing up and there is bullet holes in everything.

I looked down at my gun to see that my clip is empty "I thought we were being attacked" He said as he slowly took my gun from me. He gave me an envelope as he sat down and exhaled, "What is this?" I asked.

"Something that will make you eat, hopefully" He said as I opened it and pulled the papers out to see pictures of a woman, they are wearing a tank top with shorts on and sunglasses with a scarf on that is being tied together in the front.

"This is Angelina" I said as I flipped through the pictures she is riding a bike in Greece, the last pictures show her spotting the person taking pictures and then turning her bike around.

Then it captures her throwing three knives and then the pictures stop "How did we get this?" Is she still here?" I asked.

"He missed the drop off so I sent someone to check up on him-"

"No I went to fucking Greece, she is not in Greece." I said as Alfonzo stood up, "She was in Greece, after I received those pictures I asked around and one of her men who is probably dead by now." He said.

"Told me that she was in Greece and she left a couple of hours ago, on someone named Castors plane." He said making me exhale.

"Also, reports are coming in saying that Francis's loved ones has been missing for days. But they were found, completely tortured by someone with a sick mind." He added on.

"They were killed in Franco's house and Francis himself is no where to be found and there is only one woman who hates Francis enough to do all that."

"So she is dead not alive" I said making him stare at me clearly confused, "Yes why would you think she's dead?" He asked as I hugged him and he hugged me back.

I pulled away and grabbed my phone calling the Angelina's airport, "I have some very important news for Ms.Hernandez regarding her-"

"Is this Nicolas Romano?" The person asked cutting me off, "Yes" I said. "Mr.Castor the person with Ms.Hernandez knew you would call, he told me to tell you that they are headed to the Falkland islands."

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