chapter two

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"Mom you aren't listening to me.....we do this every two minutes."

I rubbed my face as I leaned back in my chair "We will continue to do this until you realize you need to settle down and get married." My mother said.

"I was married when I was eighteen. I am happy you take two days off and live your life like a normal person." She added on.

"Now I need you to get a husband and give me grandkids." She said making me roll my eyes. "You latest have grandkids you have two grandkids-"

"EVA'S CHILDREN ARE NOT MY GRANDKIDS!" She screamed through the phone making me move my phone from her ear, she rambled on in Spanish for twenty more minutes and I didn't even have the phone to my ear.

I looked at the phone then sighed as I put it back to my ear "Mama I am busy. I love you. Stay safe and I will call you in three days" I said as I hung up and put my phone on the desk.

I rubbed my temples as Christopher walked into my office "Why are you here?" I asked as he sat down, "Aren't you going on your little two day trip? What do you even do on that trip?" He asked as he placed more papers on my desk.

"Every two months, I take a two day trip as a normal citizen. I go wherever I want on no official business I am free to do whatever I want anything that happens during that time should not be brought to my attention unless whoever I left in charge can not handle it."

I said that very eagerly since this is the one of the thing that brings me joy life, I looked over to Christopher who has a confused look on his face.

I literally describe this to him every day prior to my trip "So basically for two days you are a regular person" He said as he dumbed down my explanation for himself.

I looked at my watch then looked at him "Exactly" I said as I stood up. "So where are you going this time?" He asked as I grabbed my duffel bag and he grabbed my suitcases.

Sarò in Italia a mangiare pasta fresca fatta a mano mangiare freshly handmade pasta" I said making him laugh as we walked out of my office. (Italian: I will be in italy eating fresh handmade pasta.)

We made our way into the elevator and I pressed lobby "You are still driving me and Alina right?" I asked as the elevator opened up.

"He better be" Alina said as she joined us in the lobby, we made our way outside. I sat down in the passenger seat as Christopher put our bags in his car.

Alina got in the back as Christopher got in the front and started it up. When I am on my two day break, the mafia goes to Christopher.

For the whole drive I caught him up to date with what to do and what not to do. "And I absolutely mean it when I say, do not call me." I said.

One of my men opened the door for me making me get out "Thank you" I said as the airport staff took our bags.

"I really mean it, even if you miss me don't call me. I should be your last resort." I said as Alina boarded the plane. "Yes yes I know" He said as he hugged me and I just stood there.

"Have fun in Italy" He said as I pulled away from him "Will do Christopher have fun being a mafia don" I said as I boarded the plane.


It is currently 2:03pm, I have been to seven meetings so far but this is the longest one ever. I rubbed my eyes as I sighed making everyone look at me, "Would you like for us to leave don?" One of them asked.

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