chapter thirty three

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I can not move.

Someone grabbed my hand but I am still staring at the floor, "Angelina what?" I do not even recognize who is calling my name.

"Baby talk to me" Nicolas put his hand on my face making me pull myself back into reality. I put my phone back to my ear "Take him to the hospital. If he dies everyone dies." I said.

I hung up as I turned to Alina and took off my heels "I need your car keys. Give me your car keys." I said making her hand me her car keys.

I ran outside quickly getting into her car I sped off with everyone following behind me. I drove like a mad woman all the way to the hospital, I got out of the car before it could even fully stop.

I made my way into the er "Where is he?" I asked one of my men on the verge of crying. They walked me over to one of the curtains and pulled it open.

There is a shitload of doctors attending to Damon who looks scared and confused. "Hi" I said as I grabbed his hand making him look at me, he looks so pale.

"Angelina" He mumbled out as the tears fell from my eyes "You are not leaving me please, I can not lose you." I said making him send me a faint smile.

The doctors began to roll his stretcher with me still holding his hand.  " you....look after Grace....promise me...." He said to me making the tears fall from my eyes.

Someone pulled me away from the stretcher as they rushed it into the or, I looked up to see John. I forgot that him and his daughter are in this hospital, I fell to the ground in his arms as I silently cried.

"He's gonna be fine you know he is" John said as he comforted me, I cried for two minutes then stood up and wiped my eyes. "Thank you" He nodded and I made my way back into the er to see Nicolas, Alina, Alfonzo and Christopher.

I snapped my fingers in the air and two of my men walked outside with me, I walked over to the black sedan "Secure it." I said making them do as told.

I made my way around it breaking the windows with my hands and then the windshield. I walked back over to the drivers seat and pointed my gun at the driver.

"You go back your boss and you tell him that he is now finally at war with the American fucking mafia. And if Damon doesn't pull through so help me God I will make it my life's fucking mission to reek hell fire over every. single. person. in. France." I said.

I looked over to the passenger seat and pointed my gun at the man. "Out." I said making him quickly get out  "If Damon doesn't pull through Francis will never see his son and again and that goes for every single person he loves" I said as I shot the driver in his thigh.

"Now run along" I said making the driver speed out of here as I turned to Denis "I am sorry you got caught in this" I said making him nod.

"An eye for an eye" He said as my men put him in a car headed for my building. I walked over to Nicolas who looks very confused I sighed as I dropped my gun "Catch me."


I caught her before she could fall to the ground "What the fuck?" Christopher asked as her men circled around us.

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