chapter fifty one

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Death is very normalized in the mafia world.

Losing a child is never easy, I do not know how parents get through things like that. Living the life I live right now being who I am, I have learned that one can not stop death within the moment.

The love I have for that little boy laying in Alfonzo's arms shall continue to grow every single day, even if he won't be here to feel it.

That sweet little boy use to call me his mother, a mother is someone who protects her children. I failed at that. He use to make me happy by just breaking and now he is just simply gone.

Standing here right now I feel absolutely nothing. I am numb. I am in shock which never happens but here it is.

"Angelina." Nicolas's voice pulled me back into reality making me look at him to see he is waiting for me to do something. I think he's waiting for me to fall or something "I'm fine" I managed to mumble out with my voice coming out like a whisper.

I put my hands on the end of my dress pulling it up enough to the point where I can grab my gun that is attached to my thigh.

I detached it and dropped my dress as I walked past Nicolas making my way to Ilas who is just staring at me. I punched him with my gun which made him pass out as his nose began to bleed.

He fell to the ground as I looked at my warriors who were staring at me waiting for my command. "Throw him into a cell please." I said. They nodded as they dragged him out of my sight.

As I watched him disappear everything started to become blurry and I feel like I am running out of oxygen. I wrapped my hands around my throat as I began to gasp for air.

My gasps quickly turned into sobs as I made my way to the ground but Nicolas caught me wrapping his arms around me as we made our way to the ground.

"I got you. Shh it's okay." He said as he kissed my head and rested his chin on my head. I let out the most ear deafening scream that came from the bottom of my heart.

I sobbed into his chest for a couple of minutes before  bottling everything up and forcing myself to stand up. "I love you" I said to Nicolas while looking everywhere but at him.

"I love you to Angelina."

My eyes landed on Alina who is crying. I tilted my head to the left as I walked up to her making her look at me. "Why are you crying?" I asked.

"I am so so sorry." She said as I snapped my fingers which made my warriors surround us. "Answer the question Alina. Why are you crying? You handed him to Ilas. What did you think would happen?"

"Cell." I said. My warriors nodded then grabbed her pulling her away as I looked at Nicolas who is looking at Alfonzo.

I walked next to him then sat down on the floor to see that he is holding back tears. "He's gone Angie. My son is gone." He said with his voice cracking in between words.

I wiped my eyes then placed my hand on his shoulder "I am so sorry Alfonzo." I said as he just stared at me, he placed Alex on my lap making my eyes tear up again.

I wrapped my arms around him as I moved his hair out of his face. I smiled as I closed his eyes "Lo siento, hasta que nos encontremos de nuevo." I whispered as I stared at my buddy.
(Spanish: I am sorry. Until we meet again)

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