chapter twenty eight

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"When did you realize I was crazy?"

I dragged my middle finger up and down Angelina's arm "Uhh when we went to that place with the white sand. I think that's when I realized you were somewhat crazy." I said.

"That was the Bahamas and crazy how?" She asked as she looked up at me. "The waitress was flirting with me and you broke the champagne glass with your bare hands and slit her throat." I said.

"I am not crazy I am just you know" She said as I kissed her head, "Crazy" I said as she lifted her head up to kiss me softly.

I smiled as her kissed back and she pulled away, "I'm going to shower" She said as I kissed her hand repeatedly as she got out of the bed.

She walked into the bathroom while I stared at my ceiling, I smiled as I recalled my recent memories with Angelina.

These past nine months I have been in a peaceful bliss with Angelina, we have traveled the world these past months as we both did mafia work but made each other our priorities.

I stood up as I made my way into my other washroom, I took much needed shower and changed into black sweatpants and slippers.

I walked out of my closet to see Angelina wearing my dress shirt and socks while on the phone. "Yeah I am busy right now but I can have Christopher go" She said.

"Yeah so then there can at least be and Hernandez present for the ribbon cutting" She said as I walked up to her making her smush her face into my chest.

"Mhm thank you" She said as she hung up and I placed my hands on her face, "Hello" I said making her smile at me, "Hi" She said.

"You can go over if you want I don't mind" I said as I picked her up and we made our way down the stairs. "Yes but I just don't want to go" She said making me kiss her cheek as I placed her on my kitchen counter.

As of right now we are in Lake Como, out of all the places in Italy I have shown to Angelina this is her favourite.

"What do you want me to make?" I asked as I kissed her cheek "You can make your regular" She said as I kissed her fingers.

I made a frittata, italian baked eggs and sausage, and ricotta pancakes. She has vlogged our whole time together meaning she is recording right now.

"We just ate our food and I don't know what we are going to do now" She said as I yawned and laid back down in the bed.

"Nicolas seems like he tired and does not want to spend time with me" She said, "I am tired but I do want to spend time with you." I said.

She laid next to me as she dropped the camera and sighed "I like you" I said as we got under the covers. "I like you to" She said as she kissed me softly.

I kissed her back as I smiled and her phone began to ring, I pulled away as she grabbed her phone answering it.

"I'm with Nicolas, you know Nicolas" She said as she rested her head on my chest, "Yeah but you can handle it I am going to take a nap" She said as I turned off the lamp.

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