chapter twelve

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"Well would you just look at that"

I turned around hiding my face from Alina I pulled my hair out of my face as I sighed. I turned around and smiled at her as I bent down picking up the papers.

"Did you need something Alina?" I asked as I put my papers on my desk into a pile. "Yes, the details of what happened here" She said as I bent back down.

"Of what?" I asked as I ever bent down picking up the rest of the files. "Of what just happened in this room" She said making me nod.

"We talked" I said as I stood back up with the files in my hands. She nodded as she placed her hands on her hips, "So that is why your desk stuff is on the floor, your lipgloss is on his lips and you have a hickey on your neck." She said.

"Because you guys talked?" She asked as I slapped my hand over my neck without even knowing where the hickey is which made the papers fall out of my hands.

"So clearly you do not need anything." I said as I bent back down, she bent back down picking up the rest of my things with me.

I arranged everything on my desk and fixed it, I grabbed my phone turning it on. I clicked the camera app to see there is a hickey on my neck and it is red and small.

When did he create this shit?

"Well would you look at Ange who is finally getting some action." She said as we both sat down, I placed my phone down then rubbed my face.

I sighed as I lifted up my legs placing them on my desk I took off my heels "You seem happy" She said making me raise my eyebrows. "Maybe I am happy." I said.

She smiled as she sat up "He makes you happy?" She asked making me shoot her a disgusted face. "No he can not make me happy if I do not know him you little slag." I said as I put my legs back down.

"His friend is single" She said making me smile at her "You do not do relationships" I said as I yawned, "I would like to try one" She said as I heard someone coming towards my office.

I looked at the door just as Christopher walked inside he closed the door then sighed "I would say that went very well" He said as he sat down next to Alina.

"Indeed. Everyone is now on high alert and they are ready to go to war at any moment." I said as I crossed one leg over the other one.

"Is that a hickey?" Christopher asked as he stared at my neck, he looked at Alina who is smiling then looked at me. "It is a mosquito bite." I said as I scratched it.

"Oh I am sure that is what is Ange" Alina said making me glare at her, they began to converse with each other while my mind trailed off to Nicolas railing me.

"Ange" I looked at Alina as I pulled myself back into reality, I looked at both of them to see them staring at me.

I grabbed my heels and pushed myself away from the desk "I would like a background check on Nicolas." I said as I put on my heels.

"What do you need that for?" Christopher asked as I stood up and grabbed my bag, "I don't have a file on him so I should open one." I said as I opened my bag and put some papers inside.

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