chapter thirty two

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I slowly turned my head to look at Angelina "I don't know what you want me to say" I said making her nod at me as she laid back down making her back face me as she got under the covers.

I have had plenty of sexual encounters in my lifetime but never with virgins I always leave them alone. Their first time should be with someone who they love and someone who loves them and that someone is not me.

I rubbed my face as I pulled Angelina into my arms "I don't need sex. I can function without it, I love you for you. I don't need your body in order for me to be happy, you just being you makes me happy."

She looked up at me and kissed my cheek "I love you." I said making her smile. "I love you to" She said as I kissed her shoulder.

She fell asleep shortly after that, the next morning I woke up alone. I pulled the covers off myself and walked over to the window.

It's all gloomy and cloudy outside like it's on the verge of raining. I cracked my knuckles as I walked into the bathroom I did what I needed to do and got ready for the funeral.

I have personally met this Nate person and now I never will but he was very important to Angelina so I am here for moral support.

I grabbed my black suit jacket and put that on as I walked out of the washroom. I grabbed my watch off the nightstand putting that on as I stared at the picture of me and Angelina.

I made my way down the stairs entering the living room to see everyone. Angelina is wearing a black dress with her hair straightened and then pulled to the back with a clip and a few strands out, she looks beautiful as always.

 Angelina is wearing a black dress with her hair straightened and then pulled to the back with a clip and a few strands out, she looks beautiful as always

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(her dress)

She is sitting with this middle aged woman who is crying. I made my way over to them making Angelina stand up my eyes dropped her hands to see she is not wearing the ring and bracelet I got her.

I think this the first time I am seeing her without them.

I kissed Angelina's head "Is this your boyfriend?" The woman asked. "Yes this is Nicolas" Angelina said making me hold my hand out.

She shook my hand making me bend down to her level "I am so sorry for your loss." I said, that was a lie.

"Thank you." She said as she smiled and used my hand to help her stand up.  "I am ready to go now." The woman said making Angelina nod.

I looked around to see Alex, Alfonzo and Christopher all dressed in black suits and Alina wearing a dress that looks more grey than black.

Everyone began to leave while Angelina walked upstairs making me stay in the foyer waiting for her. "Ready?" I looked up at Angelina who is making her way downstairs with her bag and sunglasses on.

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