chapter twenty

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"Are you okay?"

I looked up from my phone and stared at Ilas, "Yeah i'm fine I just have to do something." I said as I stood up. I picked up my bag as I showed Alina my phone making her grab her bag.

We both walked away from our table and met up with Christopher, "Did you have them bring my car?" I asked him. "Yeah here, I have to go back to New York." He said as he gave me my keys.

"Eva is being Eva" He said as he kissed my head and walked over to another exit while I turned around to see Nicolas. "Angelina-"

I walked away from him cutting him off, I walked over to another exit with him following behind me. I walked outside headed for the parking lot, "Angelina can you wait?" He asked.

I stopped in my tracks and reached into my clutch slowly pulling out my gun, I turned around firing a shot resulting in the person behind Nicolas to drop down onto the ground.

Nicolas pulled out his gun and looked around as I walked over to the body, I kicked the gun away from him as I lifted up my heel. "Who sent you?" I asked as I placed it on the wound.

I pushed it deeper inside making him scream out in pain "F-Francis." He panted out making me lift up my heel, I cocked my gun and fired another shot hitting him in the head.

I walked over yo my car as I put my gun back in my clutch, I opened up my car and got inside as did Alina got inside and drove off.

I started up my car as Nicolas walked next to my window "I said I am sorry" Nicolas said making me nod, "I know." I said as I sped off.

I drove for eighteen minutes until I pulled in front of a gate, it opened up making me pull onto the front yard. I got out of my car and quickly speed walked to the door with the end of my dress in my hand.

I unlocked the front door to see my grandparents in my dads side standing in the foyer. "She came!" My abuela said as I walked over to them.

"What happened? What's wrong? Are you okay?" I asked as I scanned them. "You do not visit us anymore Angelina." My abuelo said.

No way in fucking hell.

"Are you serious? You sent me a code that I said to only use for emergencies-"

"We knew you would come running" My grandma said cutting me off. "That code that I now have to change which takes a lot of paperwork is for emergencies only." I said.

"She's right it's a lot of work to change it" Alina said as she walked around from the corner with cookies in her hands, she is standing upstairs looking down from the railing. "You guys can not do that." I said as me and Alina's phones began to ring.

I kept on lecturing them as Alina ran downstairs tripping five times, "And then I have to text the men I have here- ALINA FUCKING WALK DOWNSTAIRS PROPERLY!" I yelled making her freeze.

"There is a bomb set to go off at Patrick's gala in twenty minutes." She said making me confused, I answered my phone "BOMB!" Christopher shouted.

"No no no no" I said as I walked over to the front door, "Angelina-"

"GO TO YOUR BUNKER!" I yelled at my grandparents cutting off my grandma who looks scared. " I am sorry just go please." I said making my grandpa take her hand and drag her along.

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