chapter forty

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"Nic! Wake up! Nicolas!"

I mumbled out a curse word as I turned the other way which provoked Angelina to hit my back then shove her finger in my ass through the blanket and my briefs.

I sighed as I opened my eyes grabbing her pulling her onto the bed with me. "You need to stop doing that shit Angelina." I said as I closed my eyes again.

"You need to stop ignoring me knowing I don't have patience." She said, I opened my eyes as she rolled on top of me laying on my chest.

"Why am I being awoken from my sleep at?" I asked as I looked over to the clock to see it's 4:29am. "Angelina it's 4 in the morning" I said as she kissed my cheek repeatedly.

"I'm sorry! Your mom was awake at one am and she had a question for me which led to be subconsciously agreeing to make food with her at four thirty, I am really tired but it's your mom and I need to make a good impression."

I yawned as I closed my eyes again "She is just trying to get to know you." I said as I wrapped my arms around her, "But it's 4:30am." She said as she whined.

"Do you want-"

"Yes." She said as she sat up cutting me off, "But don't make it seem like I am asking you to." She said as she made me sit up so she could kiss me, I kissed her back then pulled away.

"You showered?" I asked and she nodded, "Yes you know my rule." She said making me shake my head. She showers within the first forty five minutes of waking up simply because she doesn't like feeling icky.

She got off me as I stood up and made my way downstairs, I walked into the kitchen to see my mom on her phone watching something.

"It's four in the morning, leave her alone please" I said which made her look at me. "I am just trying to get to know her better" She said as she walked up up to me and hugged me.

I hugged her back then pulled away "I know but it's four in the morning and I want my girlfriend in bed with me so hands off, you can get to know her at an appropriate time."

"Fine, I can use the sleep anyways." She said as she hit my arm lightly and walked out of the kitchen. I walked back into my room to see Angelina in pyjamas waiting for me on the bed, "Well?" She asked.

"Sleep." I said which made her take whatever is in her hand and put it in her mouth, she chewed on it as I got into the bed. "And that was?" I asked.

"Melatonin gummy" She said as we both got under the covers, "Thank you" She said as she kissed my cheek repeatedly as I wrapped my arms around her.

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I stretched my arm out trying to trap Angelina just to be met with emptiness, I rolled over as I opened my eyes to see that I am alone in my bed.

I reached for my phone as I yawned and called Angelina. "Nicolas." My mom said from the other line making me confused.

"Why do you have her phone?" I asked as I sat up in bed, "Angelina takes pictures of the food she makes and she is showing them to me. Why are you still in bed when everyone is wide awake and thriving?"

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