chapter four

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"So you do not know her name?"

I parked my car and unlocked the doors "What makes you think I asked for her name?" I asked as we got out of my car, mystery woman's face is just replaying itself in my head.

The way she made me feel simply by looking at me, she didn't look at me like I am the il capo of the italian mafia. She looked at me like I am a regular guy who is in love with a with a supermodel.

I ran my fingers through my hair as I walked into my foyer, why am I thinking about someone I met forty five minutes ago like this? I closed the door as I stared at Luciano who is flirting with one of my maids.

"Walk away." I said making her do as told as I walked up to Luciano "You are ruining my game" He said as he tried to pat my shoulder making me stare at it then at him.

Luciano is like a brother to me, I can not remember how we met but we are family.  "Why are you here?" I asked as I walked up the stairs, "I heard about Carmelo and I wanted to check up on you" He said.

I stopped in my tracks and just stood there I forgot that someone I knew since I was in diapers died because of mystery woman. I turned around and looked at Luciano "I am fine. Carmelo's death will be avenged, trust me on that." I said making him nod.

I walked into the elevator and pressed the number three making the elevator door close. I got out and made my way into my room to see my dad looking out the window  "Bloody hell." I said as I rubbed my face.

"It is very dark and gloomy in here" My mother said as she walked out of my closet she wrapped her arms around me hugging me, I patted her back as she pulled away.

She grabbed me down to her height by my ear just so she could kiss my cheek "This is my room and this is my house. I will decorate it anyway I like." I said as she released my ear.

"Gloria leave the boy alone" My dad said as we shook hands and he made me hug him. "I would like a call or a text before you guys show up" I said making my dad give me a thumbs up as he walked back over to the window.

"Gloria leave the boy alone" My dad said, "How is work?" He asked. "We took a hit and we lost Carmelo" I said as I put my hands in my pockets and he looked over at me. "I am sorry son, I know you two were close" He said as he sighed.

"It is what it is, his death will be avenged" I said as my mother came out of my closet with a smile on her face. I know my mother was in my closet searching for something to start an argument about.

"Your closet is nice and clean" She said making me nod "I found your sex room" She said making my dad cough. "What is my sex room?" I asked. "The room you use to have sex with women there are panties everywhere." She said.

"It's not my bedroom and before you bring up the bible shit, I don't sleep in there so it's not sex out of wedlock." I said making her squint at me. "Did you guys call anyone to tell them you were coming?" I asked.

"Luciano let us in, there is your warning" She said, "Nicolas I married your father when I was eighteen years old. You are twenty fucking two years old and you have not even had a girlfriend." She said.

She grabbed me by my ear pulling me down to her height "Find a nice woman and settle the fuck down Nicolas. I want grandkids and I want them now." She said in a threatening tone.

"For the sake of your mama" She said as she released my ear and rubbed my shoulders. The thought of settling down did not interest me but after today all I can think about is mystery woman and how my life would be if they were together.

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