chapter fourteen

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"Are you sure?"

I rolled my eyes as I turned around "Alina I am fine" I said as she just stared at me wrapping her arms around me hugging me very tightly. "You need to start hugging people back" She said as she sighed.

"Maybe people need to stop hugging each other." I said as I slapped her back, she chuckled as she pulled away from me.

For the first time in forever, I am nervous. I feel like I am going to war the last time I felt like this was at my inauguration.

"What are you going to wear?" Alina asked as we walked into my freshly decorated closet. "I have no idea whatsoever" I said as I let my eyes wander around.

"You are so nervous" She said as she walked over to one of my dress sections. "I have never been on a date before. I do not know how that works and I am nineteen but that is quite sad." I said as I sat down in my chair.

"It is not sad. You were busy, and that is not the point. I have known you all your life. Right now you like Nicolas and according to Alfonzo he likes you back." She said.

I rolled my eyes as I rubbed my face "I can not like someone I do not know, is this what middle school feels like?" I asked. "Precisely" She said as I pulled my hair into a ponytail.

I looked at her too see her holding up a dress "I think you should-"

"You do understand that you are coming with me and Alina I know how to dress myself." I said cutting her off, she sighed as she walked up to me.

"Yes I am aware you do, I steal your fashion sense from time to time. But this a date, something you have never been on so this is all me." She said as I stood up and walked into my bathroom.

I turned on my shower as I stared at myself in the mirror, I feel like I am forgetting something. I raised my eyebrows as it dawned on me that Nicolas was literally in bed with another woman not to long ago.

I smiled as I shook my head I punched the mirror causing it to shatter completely. I looked at my hand to  see that it's bleeding quickly, I looked at Alina who is looking at the glass.

"Clean it" I said as I walked around her and left my bedroom. I walked into another washroom and turned on the shower to my usual setting.

I stripped myself of my clothes and got into the shower, I let my hair out of the ponytail it was in. I looked at my hand as the blood began to drip onto the floor.

I grabbed the loofa and soap, I lathered myself up then washed my hair. I did stand in the shower and cry for at least two minutes before shutting that down.

I wrapped my hair in a roller then wrapped my body in a towel. I walked out of the shower to see Alina "I am not a maid" She said as we walked into my main bedroom.

"I have never asked or made you clean anything. You should've used past experiences then you would know I meant find someone to clean it, not you yourself clean it." I said as I put on my slippers.

"You do not have any maids." She said as I turned around to face her. "I have men." I said making her scoff.

"Who are-"

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